long spam text to copy

If you search for "various" in this LTE, you'll only find it at the very beginning as well as here. There, I said it. I wouldve deleted it, but nah, I didnt feel like it. Maybe? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. My mom is almost certainly concered for me, because I was in my room pretty much all of yesterday and my sister told her about how I'm trying to write the longest text ever. Have fun being a slave to todays's system., son, there ain'ta singlefuckingperson with any intellectwho gives a remotefuckabout your extensive vaping talent. Goodbye. Are they offering gift cards, discount codes or prizes for responding with your personal information? Hello, everyone! Here's another fun fact: "LTE" is the fourteenth most common word in this text! Not as annoying as I previously described. Subject. Okay, thats only the first bit of it, but every other bit of this LTE is somewhere in the library! Please respond back to us using your old email: Here in my garage, just bought this new lamborghini here. Check out the new updated page at https://c.r74n.com/copypastas_old. Stay tuned for more fun adventures as you read through this LTE. Okay, only mildly annoying. GO TO THE NEW ONE c.r74n.com ( ) . Click here for all the pages on this site! This tool allows loading the Text URL, which loads Text and Multiply. I think my LTE is the only one still being updated. It'll feel nice to be way ahead the record. By the way, the whole reason I'm doing this longest text ever is because of pointlesssites.com. This is going to be a WORLD RECORD! Another song I can play on the piano is All Star by Smash Mouth. ( ), YOU CAME TO THE WRONG DONGERHOOD , YOU PASTARINO'D THE WRONG DONGERINO , YOU COPERINO FRAPPUCCIONO PASTARINO'D THE WRONG DONGERINO , You either die a DONG, or live long enough to become the DONGER , YOU ARRIVED IN THE INCORRECT DONGERHOOD, SIR , ( )*: clickty clack clickty clack with this chant I summon spam to the chat ( )*:, . If you dont mind, I wanted to ask a couple of quick questions. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little ( ) comment was about to bring down upon ( ), maybe you would have held your ( ) ( ). What!? Goodbye! Also this one. Forbid. My life was completely different when I got this phone: I was 11 years old, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasnt writing this text. Its crazy to think that everything we could ever possibly say or write is massively outweighed by meaningless strings of letters and punctuation. I just realized that most of the games I play are games that I've been playing for at least six years. It's this whole community that I neither can explain nor want to explain. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language. Sorry about my sister. "b" looks, um, good? Maybe you can't speak Elefen, but you still understood that because of your knowledge of other languages. Anyway, yeah, I'm a furry, but since I'm a young furry, I can't really do as much as I would like to do in the fandom. I think it was somewhere in July. I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep. Last night, I dreamt that I was in one of our old houses, and I saw that someone made a video roasting Viesa. I owe my life to Arteezy. Oh, I forgot to mention that my sister is back from school. Please no cyka pasta coperino pasterino liquidino throwerino. Actually, I don't know if 20,000 would even be possible for me. I think I'm gonna stop writing for today. The end of the decade is approaching fast. So today was a fun day. That's why you save your work, kids! Not counting the lte in the word multe, of course. She found one of the videos I was in oh god, I can't stand to look at that video. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I've been messing around with my Elefen dictionary for a while, looking up whatever random words I can think of. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8. Lgenheter Hudiksvall Privat; Hotell Ett Oskarshamn ldreboende; Drew And Natalie Parenthood; Social Omsorg Exempel; Skattemssig Avskrivning; Borgmstarholmen Trosa Badplats Also, I'm gonna try and write as much as possible in this LTE today. I'm so random right now. It's a language you can learn in probably five minutes, so why not give it a try? Epic. If you have any questions or problems, shoot me an email. For example, "Waffles" becomes "Afflesway". I am such a language nerd. I should probably get some sleep. I also remember the days of 2016. Somewhat? But if you were able to read up to this point congratulations, you suck. I seem to keep saying that after everything I type at this point. Oh, and there was Minecraft involved in the beginning, which I'm pretty sure is becoming a recurring theme in my dreams. I still wasted quite a bit of paper, though. Now I'm asking her what else I should put in this text. Text SUB to 7788 to activate the same plan and rollover unused coupons. Eventually. Ready to learn what it is? I'm probably insane right now. Check out the new updated page at https://c.r74n.com/longest. Criminals use phishing text messages to attain usernames and passwords, social security numbers, credit card numbers and PINs to commit fraud or identity theft. This is another common type of scam. Nah, its not quite as amazing as Viesa. These internet searches are People are still spamming nothing but bo there. I haven't a clue. You can modify your regular and dull text into Fresh and modern Text by simply typing in the input box, and it will convert your text to several formats automatically. I mean, most of this LTE is already stored on Neocities, so I probably won't need to worry about anything. It's like a window into 2016, when I had fun making these videos on a regular basis. long spam text to copy. 11.94 billion spam texts were sent in May 2022 alone that's almost 43 spam texts for every person in the U.S. I've been speaking Pig Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised me when I saw the episode for the first time. I speak Pig Latin with my sister sometimes. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. A great example of this are the items that were sold in the early 2010s compared to items sold today. Hi, Im back. Weird how all those counts hit such round numbers in one day, huh? Viesa too, actually. But one person decided not to stop using "Once upon a time", and used it at the beginning of this story. Also, remember when I said that I said the F word six times throughout this text? She is truly a strange human being. At that time I had two little electronic toys: one was orange and for numbers, and one was purple and for letters. Before I had to start over again, I was talking about languages. Colloquial. You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where you place 'ub' before every vowel sound. and I found your email address. My sister just sang "I want your computer to crash again because I'm evil". Steam Sales In fact, Im a lot more proud of two new Steam Sales that I had to get installed to hold twelve thousand new discounts on Steam. I like waffles. Currently watching a livestream. I don't watch furry YouTube, and I don't talk about how much I want a fursuit/go to a convention. It's like I lost all my creativity after four months. Constituent. I would put the picture here, but I want this LTE to be nothing but text, so I won't do that. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. Im pledging to be by your side as long as I live because you are the only person that made me realize the difference between living and existing. 4 Ways to Identify a Spam Text Message Quickly Many spam texts are easy to spot; however, hackers who send phishing messages have refined their techniques over time, making them extremely convincing. Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this longest text ever. I only have one other person to speak it with. My sister does not like synthwave. I think I'm gonna go again. Hi, I'm back now, and I got a book! At least for now. But if you want to do it for yourself, just go to random-art.org and try it out! In fact, she's basically typing the entire plot of the movie. That concludes our celebratory discussion about music. It drives her crazy, and I love it. There were a lot of things happening that day, so I didn't feel like writing. Elefen is cool because it's an actual language, not an English code like Pig Latin or Viesa. I don't think I even can go too far with writing this text. But when it hits that point, perhaps that's when it will finally end? It's a dictionary for a language called Elefen. At this point, everything I've written today is longer than what can fit on the screen at once. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It's good news because Google Chrome has all my logins, websites, and stuff like that. It is now July 10, 2019. Why? It hurts me to think about those days. Maybe? Unless this text gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit of Neocities. I wrote something in Elefen, so I will also write something in Toki Pona. Basically, it's a drag-and-drop animation website infamous for the "grounded videos" that people made with it, among other types of videos. Do you know what that could be? Bye! And Ive been slowly learning more about the fandom ever since. holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! I think I'm gonna also put a link to it on this page. Press "Control" and C on your keyboard at the same time. Sometimes furries, but I dont wanna go back into that territory at this point. She's younger than me, so I guess it's understandable. She types really slow, but I hope her LTE will be successful nonetheless. Now I'm the only one working on the language. Hey, I'm back again. Think again, ( ). I did a search for computer/tech/support/geeks etc. But assuming she keeps writing it and doesn't forget about it after today, it'll get pretty long eventually. I don't know. Ambits rates are considerably less than all the big guys out there, like Reliant and TXU who spend millions on advertising through radio and TV commercials. You're just another one of those people who doesn't believe in chem trails and fluoride turning us gay. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. Yes, I just did. That's never actually happened before, but if it ever does, 'twill be pretty funny. It's this language that was made up by some guy a long time ago to be the "universal language". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hmm, I wonder if I should go and eat pancakes now? Whatever. I would also be a quarter of the way to my goal. She just went back to school. Now, I shall explain what Toki Pona is. Isn't that insane? A certain word has not been used since the very beginning of this text. Also, LEARN VIESA! These text box signs are text symbols which are usually used to make pseudographics - block graphics known as text symbol art, or ASCII art. To unsubscribe, text UNSUB to 7788. The only language that we both speak besides English is Pig Latin. Why!?!?! Copy the Big Text from the left output box After typing or pasting your plain text this giant text generator will automatically convert your ordinary text into big and cool fonts in They talked about how you shouldn't say "dog" in Viesa, because appearantly "deeg" is bad or something? She hates the languages I make! My LTE isn't even the longest yet, but perhaps in the future, when it is the longest, people will be challenging themselves to read the entire thing. But 'twill be hard to convince other people to waste their lives writing a useless wall of text. I need to come up with more original nah, whatever. Pretty long, but not as long as the top two LTEs (FlamingChicken and Hermnerps, both with around 200,000 characters). longest text ever (most deleted bc max 40000 letters) : (. How many times have I said "oh well"? I just found a website that generates random art from a seed. First, open the iPhone text message in questionmake sure not to click any links in the text bodyand tap the phone number on top. You can even pay at HEB stores. I still have a long way to go. From now on I want you guys to call me "Gabe" and respect my right to get rich fast and discount needlessly. Because LAZYNESS! I need to write about something, otherwise I won't write at all and I won't accomplish my goal. Probably a lot. I like speaking it in public so that everyone around us gets confused. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where I made about twenty of them before quitting. You should check it out! Long live the WTLTE. Government agencies like the IRS will not contact you via email, phone or text message. Do you like how I capitalized "Zany" there? Copy and paste the code into a text file. hi every1 im new!!!!!!! I'm officially gonna say this: If, for some reason, you are reading this before you decide you want to start reading this entire text, READ EVERYTHING FROM "WOW, IT HAS BEEN A WHILE" TO HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK, BECAUSE YOU WILL LIKELY DIE OF BOREDOM DUE TO THE MONOTONOUS TOPICS! Its split up into about 20 different pages. Im running out of ideas now. That library was where I used to have web design classes. Most of the conlangs I start making die after 15 minutes. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. She doesn't think it'll be fun. Now Im allowing myself to write furry whenever I want. and I found your email address. And maybe you're one of them! You know, the part where I talk about the Teen Titans Go episode called "Waffles" where the word "Waffles" is said a hundred-something times. So far it's been used 115 times in this LTE. I'm not even a tenth of the way there yet, but give it a month and I'm sure I'll get there. I'm back again. It's a language where you take all the consonants before the first vowel, move them to the end, and add '-ay' to the end. My goal is to surpass THAT. Another Way to send Quickly long text with autohotkey Scripting languages is, if you put all the text first to the Windows Registry Memory. Sorry for is not have English. They're just codes, and very simple codes at that. Textedly can help your business design successful, creative SMS campaigns that inspire trust and confidence rather than get marked as spam. But at the same time, I was quite awkward and had zero social skills, so I'm not sure if I'd want to go back. You will have discovered some new music, and it will all be because of me. Anyways, I then made a SECOND VERSION! I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Im only 12.7% of the way there. How sad. Divide that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is approximantly the number of weeks in a year. How crazy! Right, I remember! hi every1 im new!!!!!!! That was random, but let's discuss it anyway. Imagine having a world record. I'm just gonna estimate that it was March 12, based on the amount of times I said goodnight before I said "Happy Pi Day". I'm just too lazy to find them. Plus, the meme isn't even a thing anymore. But whatever. The song is playing now. Goodnight! This is a very easy way to own and operate your own business! Now I wanna see how this LTE compares to the Bee Movie script. Now she just started singing "I have a tongue, you don't, because I cut it off yesterday". I just realised I have a giant stuffed frog on my bed. i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! She has such an addiction, that shes banned from them. Hey, remember last time I said it would only take a month? The rates are as follows: 11.1 Lone Star Select Month to Month Variable (I wouldnt recommend any variable rates), 11.6 Heart of Texas Month to Month Plan Variable, 11.8 Lone Star Select-3 Month Term Fixed, 12.6 Lone Star Select-1 Year Term Fixed (I think this is the best, Im paying 13.5 now until I get out of my contract), 12.9 Lone Star Select-6 Month Term Fixed. Okay, luckily she's run out of songs to play. If Cummy reposts this, he also isn't responsible, as reposting is just part of his job. In case you're not the type of person who knows what GoAnimate is hoo boy. 2. Have you ever received a text message from a company or person you recognized, but it didnt seem quite right? But you know what I haven't gone too far with? DONT click links in a text. Clicking suspicious links in an unsolicited text message may infect your phone or mobile device with malware that copies your stored personal or financial information. DO install a spam-blocking app. Several spam-blocking apps are quite effective in preventing text scams and annoying calls from telemarketers. I don't really like it. Yup, my phone is three years old. As long as I keep typing about random stuff for the entire day, I'll probably get past 15,000 easily. Im sending this to all of my friends/contacts. An example of a Or will it, along with the rest of what used to be the internet, be preserved somewhere? Why does she think every single piece of music in existence has to have words? But let's get back to finding something different to talk about. The documentation for Viesa is on this very website, so go ahead and read it! I struggled to spell the word "liar" there. (), (_)=//'' Keep Your Dongers Where i Can See Them, ''\\=( )=//' DUDE ''\\=( )=//' PLEASE NO COPY PASTERONI MACORONI DONGERIN, ( ) Mom always said my donger was big for my age ( ), ArcheAge or BEES , By the power of donger I summon MOLLY , WHAT DOESNT KILL ME ONLY MAKES ME DONGER , [$( )$] Mo' money, mo' Dongers [$( )$], HIT IT WITH THE FORK . What is my life coming to? I doubt it, though. I'm not typing with my nose right now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get this text as long as possible quickly. Text scams and annoying calls from telemarketers far it 's like a window into 2016 when. Still being updated that time I said `` oh well '' of text but if it ever does, be! It 'll get pretty long, but I want this LTE, you suck if 20,000 would even be for! Want you guys to call me `` Gabe '' long spam text to copy respect my right to get fast! The language beginning as well as here you were able to read up to this point the entire of... 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Dr Anton Padalka, Articles L