ethnic groups in upper east region of ghana

Public dumpsites are not common as a method for waste disposal. Less than two per cent are reported as being in such a union. Historically, the Upper East Region is part of what used to be the Upper Region (Upper East and Upper West), which was itself carved out of what used to be the Northern Region on 1st July, 1960. The Akan tribe consists of Fante, Asante, Akyem, Ahanta, Akwamu, Bono, Safwi, Akwapim, and Kwahu subgroups. The sex composition of the population shows a preponderance of females over males, in all the districts. Comparison of socio-economic indicators at the national and regional levels. Literacy in English only, or English and a Ghanaian language, varies from 12.2 per cent in the Bawku West, to 27.7 per cent in the Bolgatanga, District. cartagena to san andres flights; note 20 ultra cameras explained; 1946 ford super deluxe; how to reach anjuna from madgaon; caddo mills high school football; antioch high school football record; necromongers explained. The proportion using the kerosene lamp varies from 78.1 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 92.7 per cent in the Builsa, District. Among the Mole-Dagbon, the Nabdam, Kusasi, Nankani/Gurense and Builsa are significant. The proportion of the urban population in the Bolgatanga District is twice the regional average while that in the Bawku East District is almost three times higher. The Regions share of the total national population is 4.2% percent. Another likely explanation of the substantial imbalance is that men are more likely than women to remarry after the death of a spouse. Not only has the region not met fully the Ministry of Educations policy standards on physical accessibility for primary and JSS facilities, statistics from the Ministry indicates that children in the region may not be adequately prepared for primary school since only 22.8 per cent of the teachers at the pre-school level are trained. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Groundwater occurrence in the Upper East Region is largely influenced by structural features (i.e. The low level of population movement into the region is reflected in the fact that the proportion born outside the locality of enumeration is 10.0 per cent compared with the national average of 31.0 percent. The already existing large proportion of the unemployed poses a challenge for job creation. The age-sex structure is presented in the population pyramids in the Appendix. Higher education, especially of women, is usually associated with greater knowledge and use of sound health practices and family planning methods. Heads of households constitute 14.8 per cent of the membership of households in the region. Although the climatic condition can be relatively dry, the region's endowments make it a place worth staying, especially for farmers or those who look forward to picking a career in the agricultural sector. Electricity supply in the region is from the national grid and it serves about 60% of the towns and some portion of the rural communities. 1. The climate is characterized by one rainy season from May/June to September/October. The analysis therefore focuses mainly on the school attendance of persons aged 6 years and older, while the data for the 3-5 years are presented to show the extent of pre-schooling, which has become official policy, but is not fully enforced. The proportion of households that use public bathhouse and bathroom in another house is, however, lower in the region (1.2%) than in the country as a whole (6.4%). Northern Ghana comprises the three northernmost administrative regions of Ghana: the . In Bawku East where the age dependency ratio is 110.0, the population under 15 years is 45.8 per cent and those 65 years and older is 6.9 percent. The Agbadza dance consists of five motions: the Banyinyi, Vutsotsor, Adzo, and Hatsatsa. About 51 per cent of the regions population have access to potable drinking water. The Northern Region districts and their capitals in Ghana. Similarly, sex ratios (males per 100 females) are only slightly above the regional value of 92.6 in the Builsa and Bolgatanga, Districts. At every level of educational attainment, there is a higher proportion of males than females. Infact, this zone, which is around Fumbisi- Gbedembillisi area, is normally termed the rice-bowl of the region. 71 % are Christian, 18 % are Muslim, 5 % have indigenous/animistic beliefs, and 6 % belong to other religious groups/have no religious beliefs. The highest proportion of mud/earth use is in Bongo (97.3%) while the lowest is in Bolgatanga (81.6%). In the region and in each district, females constitute the higher proportion of the not economically active population because of the greater proportion of females who are homemakers. The regional picture is replicated in all the districts (irrespective of the size of the Christian population) except Bawku West where the Pentecostal/Charismatic group constitutes the majority of Christian population. Lack of dedicated transformers for Sandema, Chiana, Pusiga and Zebilla is causing high production down times. Telecommunication linkages are also available at Bolgatanga, Navrongo, Sandema Bongo and Bawku. Some of the dominant dialects include Nankani, Bisah, Kusal, Ndam, Kassem, and Gurune. The observed ratios imply that there is roughly one dependent person to every economically active adult in each district. The working children are almost entirely in the private informal sector and are either selfemployed without employees (63.1%) or are unpaid family workers (29.8%); about five per cent are employees. The use of such dumpsites varies from about 3.0 per cent in the Bawku West, to about 20.0 per cent in the Builsa, District. In the districts, the highest proportion of currently married is 67.5 per cent in Bawku West and the lowest is 57 per cent Bongo. In the districts, the proportion literate in a Ghanaian language ranges from 0.5 per cent of the population aged 15 years and older in Bawku West to 2.6 per cent in Bongo. The Mossi are the most predominant ethnic group in Burkina Fasso, West Africa. The two ethnic groups account for 63 per cent of the population. The distance to the nearest hospital for all localities. The IEC finalized 2018 parliamentary election results in May, and 418 female candidates contested the 250 . Enhancing rural and urban development through farm settlement schemes and the establishment of small-scale industries, using appropriate technology, is also recommended as an effective programme. Two per cent are employees, and one per cent is an apprentice. The gold mining industry is not very developed in the region. Since much of literature and mass communication is in English, the effective literacy level is only 19.4 percent. The total land area is about 8,842 sq km, which translates into 2.7 per cent of the total land area of the country. The population below 15 years (0-14 years) varies from 40.5 per cent in the Kassena-Nankana, to 46.4 per cent in the Bawku West, District. The North East Region of Ghana was a proposed new region to be carved out of the existing . Navrongo has 35 pay phone booths and 45 communication centres and Bawku has 44 pay phone booths and 65 communication centres. Additionally, Talensi-Tongo, Gurune (fra fra)-Bolgatanga, and Nadams-Nangodi are part of its ethnic groups. The proportion that attained Vocational/Technical/Commercial education level ranges from 2.9 per cent in Bawku West to 5.2 per cent in Bolgatanga. Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese. EN. The median age of the population is thus around 19 years. The Upper West Region is at the North-Western corner of the country. Bawku West has the highest proportion of ever-married persons (81.5%) followed by Bongo (79.5%), with the lowest (71.9%) in Bolgatanga. Bawku West to the East, mother District Talensi to the South, Bongo community to the North, and Bolgatanga community to the West are the areas the community shares boundaries with. What are the major ethnic groups in Ghana? In each district, females form a little over one-half of the population. The national inter-censal growth rate is far higher than that of the region. Firewood is the most used cooking fuel in the region (66.5%). The private informal sector accounts for not less than 69.0 per cent in each district. The extent of over-crowding in Kassena-Nankana is similar to that of the region as a whole. The Ashanti people speak Twi. Three districts (Bawku East, Bolgatanga and Kassena-Nankana together) contain about 75 per cent of the regions population. The former produces granite chippings for the construction industry whilst the latter cuts rocks in the form of bricks for export. Agona East. This is explained in terms of the work of the Order of the White Fathers who arrived in Navrongo in 1906 and began proselytizing the northern territories. In the absence of detailed characteristics of room occupants, the total number of sleeping rooms is used in this report to analyse over-crowding. Unlike in agriculture, the proportion of females engaged in manufacturing is higher than that of males at the regional and district levels (often about twice). Despite these potentials, the region lacks the necessary infrastructure and other services to support and market this industry. It is worth noting also that in the region, between 46 and 58 per cent of households with ten or more persons have six or more sleeping rooms. Apprentices and others make up the remaining 1.6 percent. The Kusasis make up 22.6 per cent of the regions total population, but they make up about 75 per cent of the population of Bawku West and 47.6 per cent of the population of Bawku East. The dance's tone changes depending on the situation, and it is used to communicate emotions and feelings between both sexes. Significantly, these three remain the major industrial activities in each district, with agriculture as the primary activity in all districts and for both males and females. Markets abound for these crafts in countries such as Britain, Germany and the USA. The Regions inter-censal rate is 1.2 percent per annum and is slightly below the national growth rate of 2.5 percent. The three major industrial activities at the national level are agriculture, including hunting, forestry and related work (49.1%), wholesale and retail trade (15.2%) and manufacturing (10.9%). The Tempane community is part of the 38 district assemblies created and upgraded in 2018. The other one-third is appointed by the Central Government. Senior secondary schools are even less available than junior secondary schools. The picture is the same for all districts and for both sexes. The already documented policies, programmes, projects and activities are extensive and comprehensive enough to meet the needs and priorities of individual districts, sub-districts and communities. The major ethnic groups in Ghana include the Akan, Ewe, Mole-Dagbane, Guan, and Ga-Adangbe. Bawku West (116.1), Bawku East (110.0) and Bongo (107.4) have much greater dependency burdens than the regional average while Builsa (94.3), Kassena-Nankana (87.8) and Bolgatanga (86.6) have lighter loads. The 10 regional capitals before the creation of the new regions are still Sekondi (Western), Ho (Volta), Accra (Greater Accra), Koforidua (Eastern), Kumasi (Ashanti), Cape Coast (Central) , Sunyani (Bono), Tamale (Northern), Bolgatanga (Upper East) and Wa (Upper West). For the majority of households in the region (68.4%) the facility available is either a public dumpsite (13.2%) or elsewhere at their convenience (55.2%), which could be a stream or open gutter or on someones undeveloped plot of land, all of which have serious environmental and health consequences (Ghana Statistical Service, March 2002). Current school enrolment in Primary 1, however, is generally comparable with the national situation for males and also for females; rather, substantial differences between the national and regional picture persist at the JSS level. For the region, also, the labour force aged 15-34 years shrank slightly from 56.4 per cent of the total labour force in 1984 to 55.7 per cent in 2000, while those aged 35-64 increased marginally. Although the information on school attendance was collected for everybody aged 3 years or older, official school entry age in the country is 6 years. The Bongo-Soe Health Centre is being upgraded into a district hospital. Only 23.5 per cent of the regions population, 15 years and older are literate. These are Builsa South, Navrongo Central, Chiana-Paga, Bongo, Bolgatanga, Sandema, Talensi, Nabdan, Zebilla, Binduri, Bawku Central and Garu-Tempane. When the youth are added to the population aged below 15 years, their proportions range from 50.4 per cent in Kassena-Nankana to 54.3 per cent in Bawku West. It shares boundaries with Bolgatanga community to the South West, Burkina Faso to the North, Nabdam district to the South East, and Kassena-Nankana East community to the West. Communities with no light whatsoever range from 1 per cent in Builsa to 3.5 per cent in Bongo. Results: Five main themes emerged from the data analysis. The major ethnic groups are the Dagaba, Sisaala and Wala. In Bongo, where wood is used by only 25 per cent of the population, most households (70%) use sorghum/millet stock. Among other things, you will get to know the total communities each of them has, their administrative capitals, and how populated they are. Three national highways N2, N10, and N11 and a few Regional highways such as the R113, R114, R116 and R181, serve the region. In all districts, at least two out of every three of the economically active population are selfemployed without employees. Working children (population aged 7-14 years). Since senior secondary schools are usually boarding institutions, however, the number of and distances to the nearest SSS institutions are not very critical for accessibility. The Birimian rock formation is the second largest and covers about 25% of the region. A little over a half (52.6%) of households using five or more sleeping rooms have seven or more members. Light bills from Bongo and Zebilla systems amounting to the tune of Ghs150,000.00 is still outstanding. The Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education programme (fCUBE) seeks to address four main constraints to the provision of good quality universal basic education in the country. 2). Material of outer walls. The conventional dependent age groups (0-14 years and 65 years and older) range from 46.4 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 53.6 per cent in the Bawku West, District. The regional picture is replicated in the districts. They are the people that inhabit the republic of Ghana. It is performed at the festival of chiefs and communities. Total fertility rates range from 3.4 births per woman in the Builsa, to 7.5 births in the Bongo, District. Much of literature and mass communication is in English. About a tenth (7.3%) are service workers and 2.7 per cent are sales workers, with 2.3 per cent in production and transport equipment work. It cannot be said that such a person has never migrated because he/she was counted at the locality of birth. The Upper West Region districts, tribes, languages, cultural activities. This regional picture is reflected at the districts level. The Upper East Region is located in north Ghana [5] and is the third smallest of the 16 administrative regions in Ghana. Three districts have fairly low dependency ratios while the other three have extremely high ratios. Although the proportion of females who had never attended school is still higher than that for males, the proportion has reduced from 88.1 per cent in 1984 to 74.4 per cent in 2000. On the basis of this ideal situation, it would be appropriate to state that one to three person households would be expected to have at least one sleeping room, 4-6 households, at least two sleeping rooms, 7-9 person households at least three sleeping rooms and ten or more person households, at least four sleeping rooms. List of Western North Region districts and their capitals. The relatively large number of doctors in Kassena-Nankana may be due to increased recruitment into the Navrongo Medical Research Centre, where even though the doctors may be doing more research work and less direct patient consultation and treatment, they are known to undertake some clinical and surgical activities in the course of their research. Although less than half of the localities in the region have a primary school within the locality, 32.4 per cent have a primary school within 1-3 kilometres. For example, a single parent sharing one sleeping room with his/her teenage child can be said to be crowding each other because of the lack of privacy whereas a couple with a two-year old child, occupying one sleeping room could be perceived as normal and therefore not overcrowded. Three out of four working children (74%) are employed in the private informal sector. Three districts, Builsa, Bawku East and Bawku West have occupancy ratios of 1.7 persons per room, while Kassena-Nankana has the highest ratio of 2.0. The rock types are sandstones, shales, arkose, mudstone beds, conglomerate and limestone. Festivals Ghana - Easy Track Ghana Go back Festivals of Ghana This is a large, but incomplete, list of festivals, holidays and celebrations held in Ghana during the year. The proportion that attained Secondary/Teacher Training level varies from 3.0 per cent in Bawku West to 5.2 per cent in Kassena-Nankana. (3) "Frafra"; Nankani, Talni, Bulsa, Nabit, Kusaal, and Grusi of Upper East Region. There are also maternity homes and nine dressing centres. Illiteracy is very much higher in the region than for the country as a whole. To ensure that the headship goes with increased participation of females in decision making, efforts at empowerment of females should be intensified. Among the Mole Dagbon, the major sub-groupings are the Namnam (30.5%), Kusasi (22.6%), Nankani- Gurense (9.2%) and Builsa (7.6%). 7., Rock formation in the Tongo Hills near Gorogo. The dam is also used for irrigation and fish farming. The overall level of unemployment is highest in Bongo (26.0%) and Bawku West (27.4%). Drinking water is considered safe or potable if it is obtained from pipe-borne supply in or outside the house or is supplied by tanker or is from manual or mechanized boreholes. Source: 2000 Population and Housing Census. While water treated for consumption in Bolgatanga is from the Vea Dam, the pipe-born water systems in the other townships make use of mechanised boreholes. The traditional practice of early and almost universal marriage is reflected in the fact that the proportion of the total population, aged 15 years or older, who have never married varies from 18.5 per cent in the Bawku West, to 28.1 per cent in the Bolgatanga, District. The distribution of children by occupation, industry, and employment status and institutional sector generally follows closely the pattern of the adult population in each district. Agriculture is the major industry in all districts, ranging from 51.6 per cent in Bolgatanga to 85.0 per cent in Bawku West. Sandema in Builsa is famous as the site where Builsa warriors captured and killed the slave mauranders, Samori and Babatu, to mark the end of the slave trade in the northern part of Ghana. Public toilets are not even widely used in the region. The regional total fertility rate (TFR) of 4.0 and the mean age of child bearing (33 years) implies a continuous child bearing throughout the reproductive periods. All the measures of fertility examined indicate a high but declining fertility. The proportion literate in a Ghanaian language (Ghanaian language only and English and Ghanaian language) is 8.3 per cent compared to the proportion literate in English only (14.4%). Kassena- Nankani- Navrongo/Paga, Mirigu, Sirigu The Kusasi make up about one in five of the regions population whereas the Mamprusis make up less than two percent. In a polygamous family, one mans death results in more than one woman becoming a widow, whereas one wifes death in the same polygamous family does not result in a man reporting himself as widowed. The rural population was 87.1 percent in 1984 and 84.3% in 2000. Kusasi/Bisah-Bawku, Zebilla, Garu, Pusiga They speak an Asanti dialect of Twi which is a language spoken by over ten million Asanti people as the first language. The proportion literate in a Ghanaian language (i.e. The need to provide for the economically dependent persons puts pressure on the resources of the region and individual families. For the districts, Bongo has the highest proportion of households with bathing facility within the house/compound (88.8%) and Kassena-Nankana has the lowest (69%). Since post office facilities are almost entirely available only in the district capital, the variations between districts in distance to nearest facility are more a reflection of the districts size and the number and spread of localities within the district than any real differential access. The lowest is in Builsa (36.2%), where the well is the main source of drinking water (50.4%). The district was carved out from Bawku municipal and stood alone in 2012. The Upper Region was later apportioned into Upper East and Upper West in 1983 during the PNDC rule. This is due to the simple technology involved, the availability of local inputs and linkages between them and other economic activities. In the new system, instructions start in English. It has been very difficult to get complete and reliable data on the provision of sanitation facilities (Household latrines) in the region. This is made up of 66.6 per cent of males and 82.8 per cent of females. It covers 1,230 square kilometres of land, and it shares boundaries with Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo community to South East, Pusiga community to North East, and Binduri to the North West. The fact that children, grandchildren and other relatives of the head constitute more than 60 per cent of household members supports the view that the traditional external family household composition has not changed much. There has been an improvement in school attendance in the region. The overall distribution of migrants shows a higher proportion of females than males in the region and in each district. As of 2021, Western North was the region in Ghana with the highest male population share, reaching 51.3 percent. 1. On the basis of this definition, the population is primarily rural (79.0%). Nearly a third (29.7%) of localities are 25 kilometres or more from a hospital. All the remaining industry groups make up about one eighth (11.9%) of activities in the region, compared with 24.8 per cent at the national level. From the JSS level, many girls, in their puberty age, are given out in marriage, and some migrate to the south, as house helps or Kayayee, to earn a living. While some ethnic groups still exist and practice their cultures, others have disappeared due to urbanization and other factors. There is evidence of over concentration of essential services in Bolgatanga, Navrongo and Bawku, which are all district capitals. Fuel wood for cooking is scarce and the dried stem of sorghum and millet are mostly used for that purpose. Bawku West has the lowest ratio of one healer to 458 people, followed by Builsa with 513 people, about 80 times less than the population per orthodox doctor ratio in these districts. Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) supplies pipe-born water to Bolgatanga, Chuchuliga, Zebilla, Bawku, Sandema, Navrongo, Bongo and Paga. In this predominantly peasant labour intensive agricultural economy, if the district economies do not grow rapidly and jobs are not created sufficiently to match the economically active population, there will be a constant pool of unemployed labour. Only 6.3 per cent of households use public facilities and most households that use these facilities are concentrated in Bolgatanga (9.2%) and Bawku East (8.6%). Other relatives are the second largest group of household members other than heads of households in the region and in each district; another significant group is grandchildren. Basic education facilities are available in almost all communities. This is a very important factor for a region which falls within the cerebro-spinal-meningitis endemic belt of the country; a disease whose aetiology and epidemiology depend very much on overcrowding and poor ventilation in places of population concentration. This formation is made up of well consolidated and gently folded rocks with an average dip of about 50 and it is marked by an escarpment. The center of population of the Upper East Region is located in its capital of Bolgatanga. Employees constitute only 6.5 per cent and the self-employed with employees make up 2.7 percent. The region has about 18 per cent of the cattle and 9 per cent of the small ruminants in the country. The methods of waste disposal (both solid and liquid waste) are also not environmentally sound. Notwithstanding the long periods of co-existence among the heterogeneous ethnic groups the melting pot effect has not emerged as attachment to primordial identity lines still prevail. At the district level, the ratio varies from a doctor to 9,343 people in Kassena-Nankana to 77,885 in Bongo. The old age category ranges from 13.4 per cent in Bolgatanga to 21.4 per cent in Bawku West. Capital Tamale, the capital, is the country's fourth largest city. A total of 30 midwives practicing in the Upper East Region of Ghana were purposefully selected. These rocks when weathered are characteristically purple. Bolgatanga has 41.7 per cent of the regions doctors, 32.4 per cent of the nurses and 36.3 per cent of the para-medical staff. Various programmes, projects and activities have been suggested over the years to address the population and development problems of the country, but problems of implementation have made it difficult to make progress. Practices and family planning methods women to remarry after the death of a spouse system, instructions start English. Of localities are 25 kilometres or more members one per cent of the 38 district created. Birimian rock formation in the form of bricks for export up the remaining 1.6 percent granite chippings for the.. Of room occupants, the Nabdam, Kusasi, Nankani/Gurense and Builsa are significant to provide for economically... 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