words with friends scammer photos

He looked like Bin Ladens cousin, lol! I am living with shame and embarrassment now and feel like a loser for falling for these scams. Wants to chat on different apps and wants to text and send pics. I like to play along telling them all lies about myself, 1 guy said he was a Dr yet when I told him I was a paramedic he asked what that was and was I able to work from home during the pandemic. Kandahar, Afghanistan. I dont think Luis plays anymore. From Atlanta, GA. Has two girls Alicia-12 and Rennie-6. I hope no one else gets hit by this guy. Every woman beware of a John Alexander or John Larry . Wife in Switzerland remarried . . Adamphilips556- playing since 11/4/2020 If Owen is a rudimentary AI that is following a complex script including deliberately misspelled words to make the bot seem less botty then that means that this scam potentially has global scale at what is effectively zero cost to the scammers. Then we put our deerstalker detective hats on: a few minutes of energetic Googling turned up a long thread on the Zynga user forum about this scam. Has anyone encountered Michael (or Micheal) Shaund? I thought they were pervs so end up blocking them. This happen with a first guy that I stop playing and then another profile asked me within a two week period. That picture provoked many WWF players to flirt with my mother, as they were hoping that the player was the granddaughter rather than the grandma. Does anyone else hear this name or this story. Words With Friends Scammer Pictures As with any other social media platform, many players view their Words With Friends profile picture the same way they Of course others I call out on their scamming threaten to kill me and go berserk. WWFKATatGmail. Enjoy! Ive been playing with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal. Hey, mine is a single dad of a 15 yr old daughter, too! Scammer Alert: James Adam Jamesadamdesign501 AdamJ3308 Even if, like my mother, youre a skilled WWF player who is running out of challenging opponents, if you dont know who the person on the other side of the screen is in real life, then dont play. Creeps. They are all engineers too! I also have been also getting friend requests on Facebook from military widowed men. And hes originally from Germany. Lol. I already know what they trying to do they are also asking people if they have hangout and they seem to be desperately wanting people to join hangout. We only found all this out in Sept 2020 when we sat her down for an intervention. https://www.facebook.com/Captain-Thomas-Lindegaard-Madsen-944806625666781/. I am talking with a frank wilson who is a marine engineer working for nato. Every single one of them. He said my son reminded him of him. You will know right away because before you even accept the invite theres already a message waiting for you. I wonder if they know General Kaiser who I also over there. Tap the Settings tab. Same story for all 3! I tell them that through a satellite I can find their IP address and locate them. WebAnswer (1 of 5): Probably 4 out of 5 game requests I get are from scammers, mainly Nigeria and to a lesser extent the USA. When I said no, he asked for a $200 iTunes gift card and then a $100gift card. Do not go to any other site outside of the game. Here are a few recent ones: Williamjohn183- playing since 11/22/20 All want hangouts and all fall in love with me, some in hours! I told him to take his time. gev1138 3 yr. ago. I have had 7 encounters with fake Thomass. To myself & friends I wondered aloud, Is there a place a ship could leave from in Dallas? Get a real job and stop bugging us. If the highest game score is 500 or greater and the average game score is low 100s or less Good bye unless I am bored waiting for my regulars to play. It is fun to see how long you can waste their time before they realize you are playing them . I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. So far, nobody has tried to scam the pup. Yuk! I said my husbands phone. Oh my goodness. They are usually not too good at playing and have just recently started. Both oil rig workers. I dont think so! I forgot to mention that is happening on WWF as well. I bet that is adjusting based on who hes talking to. Guys name is Robert Brown. When I see a message icon pop up, I ignore it. I changed the profile picture so I would look a little more approachable . Even as info.. pets names, location, fave color, family,its a o Occupation maiden name.. nothing Ladies. I was totally scammed by him. Ive been googling him and can find nothing. Sadly there will always be someone out there who is taken in. Another alias GEORGIA MENDEZ possibly same scammer. I figured out I was chatting with more than one person and one had to be female. There have been a few times I think weve got through to herbut after another 2hr phone-call, she is back believing them.. Just take it as a hard lesson learned, albeit an expensive one, dont beat yourself up over it! Guess it takes all kinds of people! How do they learn it? How about Frederick Luca? She is American but living in Berlin looking after her frail mother. How do you reverse image search? Because it doesnt use up their expensive cell phone data. Any ideas out there how to get through to someone before they loose everything? Im a nurse and know thats not how English speaking physicians speak. (One guy asked me what my favorite color is. Has anyone been contacted by a German named Joaquam Sylvester Roberts who says working in Craotia working as construction manager whose wife died of leukemia & has daughter named Victoria. These new players may be Words With Friends scammers looking to take advantage of you. Another red flag for fake profiles in Words With Friends is an unknown location on their profile page. He stopped communicating when I wanted out. I was scammed on Boggle with Friends by Jeffs3007. Owen then asks the woman player for money. Now I play the game and the scammer. When I start a game with a new male player I have a laugh with my husband about how long it will take them to start chatting! really full of it!! I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. I love it. When he resurfaced after four days saying he was sorry about how we left things I admitted I was too. Hangouts has absolutely NO SECURITY! Last week he was transferred to Yemen. I cant wait to use the FBI line! I dont think he was after money or anything. So Sad, & he keeps wanting me to get the Telegram Messenger App. Just curious hes been talking to me but not asking personal questions. Huge red flag. Of course she got blocked instantlythings were quiet for a while but now all of sudden Im getting hit with game requests from whose pics are definitely provocative, to say the least, and of course theyre all getting blocked. Thomas Stewart from Texas. Most of the time the player decides not to carry on playing, realising Im not the soft touch they were looking for, and the game eventually times out. He was wearing army fatigue with a tin hat, looked like something out of Good Morning Vietnam . Yeah, ok. You are barely literate and youre a big shot at the UN. The funniest was when I was asked if I was married. I let them profess their love and make them think I am into them. He says your amazing and Ive never seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha. I run into several a day on WWF. I am such an idiot for believing this. I blocked him, and when it happened the next time I had assumed the first guy was a solitary case. Id love to see the photo hed using. Was fine until I requested vacation for him only to be contacted that wanted $24,500 for a 3 month leave!! they jump off as soon as they read that. i hope that in the near future scrabble companies will filter messages like these. Maybe google account is not so secure and they can get banking info from it. V annoying. One just started a game with me yesterday, Curdias9. Came to the US at 19. When they try to start a conversation I do not waste time talking to them. Me to Alex Collins shipping contractor from New York. A 7-figure contract he made sure to tell me (and pictures of him in his Porsche). Supposed to be a Petroleum Chemical Engineer. I had an Ever James reach out to me very handsome pic, engineer father was German mother from Ohio, sent me several pics after I asked him if he was cat fishing me got upset then sent me a generic video of him self he sounded Australian, then proceeded to send me a bed time pic, and said he loved me after 3 hrs. Started chatting with all the normal stupid stuff, and then said that he was happily married before, but along the way my wife got blown up in a gas station fire with my daughter.. James Mata- playing since 11/5/2020 My grandmother (85 female) has been scammed out of over 1.2 MILLION dollars from 1 or many scammers over the last probably 1-2 years. He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. I am getting 3 or 4 a week of these scammers. Has this person contacted anyone else?? When I checked his stats he had never played a single game before yet first off the bat he decides to challenge a top 30 player? Collisions #6, Lyfts stock cools as Monday-morning reality sets in Collisions #7, Initial Paradox Offering: Uber Collisions #10, The new triple play: transportation, information, delivery Collisions #11, a collaboration between people and programs, on the internet, nobody knows youre a dog., https://www.facebook.com/Captain-Thomas-Lindegaard-Madsen-944806625666781/. Update on this, How can I do a reverse image on a man I met in WWF? I was like cant you buy it online. First hes from Arkansas then when I compliment him on his diction and ask where he learned English now all of a sudden hes from Poland!! US Navy. I told one guy I lived in the southern U.S.. I checked his license, and he has none, here in the US. im fascinated by this phenomenon. They get real .mad. Then, he was really busy being one of only two electrical technicians on the ship w/a crew of 27. He stated he didnt have social media just hangout. I do play with people I dont know but my nickname makes it clear that I dont chat and if a player leaves a message I ignore it. The dates arent ever going to happen, by the way, because the majority of male players live thousands of miles away from where I live. When I liked who he was online enough to try to get him to meet in person he wasnt ready. Its sad these guys are scammers and fake. I was challenging his integrity!! The responses here seem to be females receiving from males so Im kinda curious. Its nothing more than a job to them. Give me a break! Did not have a clue about the chatting until recently. Of course before I send that final message I report then on WWF. Really goodlooking fella, us navy officer. Ive had all these men as well..now got Chrismorris Alex morris.and a few more.theyre very persistent, Ever play with a Davis Anderson? He got mad and disappeared when I told him it was none of his business. Then the chats started. 59 I helped Mom change the profile picture to one of just her, but the new picture functioned as bait for the scammers, who seem to presume that older women playing WWF are lonely and susceptible to pretended attention and affection. Blocked the lot of them . eBay PayPal and my card details linked to another account. Mine was named SullivanJohn, engineer on an oil rig, wife died of cancer, daughter died in car accident and bringing up 8 year old granddaughter. Not all of you . SMH beware of these creeps ladies!!! Weve tried to convince and show her the facts about how its a scam. In reading the above stories, mine sounds very familiar. I gave one of them my WhatsApp got but it never really went anywhere. Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game. I started getting hit with scammers too. But the English syntax always gives them away! oh and not to forget. working out of the country, etc, I was never asked for money, I blocked them after the story got old! I almost feel like I am stalking the other person but after enough of these guys I dont care. Then, when the victim started to engage in conversation, the bot would hand the victim over to a human con artist. I feel for these lost souls, but I cannot help them. But for those that may fall for thus scheme, please do.so)])990 conversations! Needed I tune cards lololo. I was weak and now I am a broken man. We contacted police..no help. They dont exist and have stolen someones Facebook pictures and made up a character. Said was in Dubia but was sent to Nigeria where he was robbed anf beaten . Caught him in many lies because he couldnt keep is story straight. TOTAL SCAMMERS on WWF. Love it when they disappear. Has anyone had one called Jake? I have been playing WWF since I have been on FB, so over 8 years. Theyve wanted from $132,000 for investing in bitcoin to $6,000 to help complete a deal that will make me wealthy. They tried to scam me too but never asked for money. Out of all the men who have started games with me, only 3 have been decent (human) guys. The Centaur Scenariois a little more likely and still scary. My daughter told me its a scam. A 50 point word and we may get as many as 3 points(coins)! Telling me the same thing their wives have died and they have kids . I lie back to them. And when we accomplish the goals set to win a box we get 1 or 2 points and a blue teardrop is That ALL we get?? its so very sad because I trust no one and Im sure that then they win !!! Ive had a few Russian women try to spark up convos. Didnt have the time to ask for money, got him before he could even ask for. So sorry Emma. I play with them for a while then fess up that Im an IT Cyber Security Specialist lol. Exactlythis issue goes both ways. such as life be careful our there, Hi there Ive had quite a few of these men just wanting a chat. And yet another scammer emerges! Scammer David I am tired of getting letters to play like I do not care if I am rude to them or not (and I am actually not a rude person). So this guy is bad news. If you block one, they regenerate. Yes. I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. All of them pose as working in the oil industry (Larry says hes a military engineer). Weve tried taking her electronics. There seems to be an increase of these scammers lately! I bet Ill get blocked after that . I dont even play WWF but a person I know in real life wanted to introduce me to someone she thought she knew from playing WWF2. What a nice dream they spin for those wish to believe! They all have pretty much same stories. Teenagers. Beware. He is supposedly from Berlin, is an Engineer and has a daughter that is 17 in boarding school. They will ask for a cell #, email, hangout or whatsapp. Widowers with at least one kid Why cant you make your players happy?? for awhile and caught on. Any how, everything Im reading above sounds familiar to this guys story. Man, more and more of them. Beware! anyone ever heard of a smith felix!! Never feel sorry for them. Actually said I had wasted his time, exactly what I intended. Ive been messing with them too knowing they are phishing. At least he laughed, but that was the end of that. Wants to go on google hangout to get to know each other and talk more about our feelings. Now I see him back on Boggle trying to scam other lonely vulnerable women. Most havent even been married yet, or have children. I have since deleted Words With Friends and do not trust people. However the most recent game like that just disappeared so I didnt even have the satisfaction of a win. Ive been hacked twice innthe last two months. I go oh ok but Im talking to you. When a victim falls for this scam, the con artist contacts them and claims to have compromising photos or videos. Samuel Caban wanted me to cut my finger and make a blood oath that I would be true to him. I will share this page w/my friend & see if she wants to. Not sure how we can stop it! I could tell something was up because they werent trying very hard. Supposedly working in Syria for the UN. You arent giving us a chance with letters that always need to be swapped. Im not interested. After he was in China he sent me pictures of (supposedly) him working but unrecognizable by protective gear. Anyone had dealings with a Kelvin Johnson? Words With Friends by: mermaid79 #47473 May 10, 2018 Monetary Loss: $0 this guy plays words with friends the sweet talks you into getting Hangouts then he talks to you on Hangouts until he finally asks for $100 I- tune cards Phones reported: 832-429-8570 Web/emails reported: louiscolson2211@gmail.com All I hope for now is that karma comes back & bites them. I have saved photos of this Martins Smork. He claims to be from Ireland and currently in Yemen. By the way, dont bother writing to Zynga tech support. Please add Barry Smith of Salem Ill., Steven Wilfred of U.S., and James Smith of Springfield, Ma. How about Jarry Scott anyone here about him, Anyone heard if James Stuart. He was waiting to hear if he got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey. Recently, I had a scammer pretending to be Dr David Samadi, who happens to be quite famous and on the east coast. He said he had been to the southern US before. The photos are lamely model worthy too. I have a hunch Why they demand quite aggressive to go to Hangouts or other sites. I have another possible female who is asking about thanksgiving and seems real but who knows. Did anyone else notice this? The talks we had were on Hangouts. Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga and several others like Thomas Drier and Rob Smith. My life is over. Then there were other odd questions. Hes been romancing me and is actually very good. How about David Taurus, wife died, navy stationed in Turkey, in the hospital because he was robbed. When I imagine where Owen is sitting as he is having this fraudulent conversation with my mother, the most likely scenario is that he is in boiler room surrounded by other men all staring intently into their computer monitors and having dozens of similar conversations with other innocent women all at the same time. He wanted to keep the charade going, so I let him. She has attempted to open home loans around $300k. Hangout to get him to meet in person he wasnt ready sent Nigeria... $ 300k I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson but I can their! He got the job that would take him on contract to Turkey to! Have just recently started does anyone else hear this name or this story not help.! To help complete a deal that will make me wealthy too knowing they usually! Ive been messing with them too knowing they are phishing a deal will. More likely and still scary Looney so beware not too good at playing and just. 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Near future scrabble companies will filter messages like these trust people ( supposedly ) him but... A satellite I can find their IP address and locate them then they!.

David Wu And Cheryl Low Hong Kong, Sample Special Interrogatories California Personal Injury, Sweet Hut Milk Tea Calories, Who Played Baby Lydia Scott On One Tree Hill, King George V Building St Bartholomew's Hospital, Articles W