strengths and weaknesses of ethics of care

As for all the rest of you, youre in your groups and in charge of yourselves. Most care ethicists make room for justice concerns and for critically scrutinizing alternatives amongst justice perspectives. People use ethical theories every day to make decisions about right and wrong, usually without knowing the name of the ethical theory they're using. Engster holds governments and businesses responsible for offering economic provisions in times of sickness, disability, frail old age, bad luck, and reversal of fortune, for providing protection, health care, and clean environments, and for upholding the basic rights of individuals. This code of ethics forms part of companys manual of ethical issues to confront day to day conflicts in the workplace. Ethics of care seeks to determine whether actions are right or wrong. In much of her work she seeks to move beyond ideals of liberal justice, arguing that they are not as much flawed as limited, and examines how social relations might be different when modeled after mothering persons and children. Womens Place in Mans Life Cycle.. Yet she upholds the primacy of the domestic sphere as the originator and nurturer of justice, in the sense that the best social policies are identified, modeled, and sustained by practices in the best families. Nothing in an ethics of care requires those participating to preserve every bond. Contemporary feminist care ethicists attempt to avoid essentialism by employing several strategies, including: more thoroughly illuminating the practices of care on multiple levels and from various perspectives; situating caring practices in place and time; construing care as the symbolic rather than actual voice of women; exploring the potential of care as a gender neutral activity; and being consistently mindful of perspective and privilege in the activity of moral theorizing. Strengths and Weaknesses of Answer (1 of 5): It depends on whether you see consequentialism (which I'll blur together with utilitarianism*, the most popular form of consequentialism) as your single source of moral truth, as a toolkit for enacting some higher-level moral system, or In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the delivery of eye care services continues to be undermined by health systems . And wouldnt most of the rest of us agree that wed do the same thing? Likewise, lesbian and heterosexual women are differently situated in being able to claim the benefits and burdens of marriage, and are not equally presumed to be fit as care-givers. Two Perspectives of Care: Confucian, Lijun, Yuan. Act Utilitarianism Strength. Autonomy, Integrity, and Care, Engster, Daniel. ETHICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Loyalty to the patient, myself and the hospital. The concept of slave morality comes from the philosopher Frederick Nietzsche, who held that oppressed peoples tend to develop moral theories that reaffirm subservient traits as virtues. 29 SEP 2017. As well as abortion, both Susan Sherwin and Rosemary Tong consider how feminist ethics, including an ethic of care, provides new insights into contraception and sterilization, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and gene therapy. Empirical studies suggest interesting differences between the way that men and women think about the moral status of animals, most notably, that women are more strongly opposed to animal research and meat eating, and report being more willing to sacrifice for these causes, than men (Eldridge and Gluck, 1996). An organizations culture and mission statement also help its employees make ethical decisions. (Ethics is not about me and you; its about us. People are mainly affected by policies because they are the individuals who must follow and abide by them as well. One of the original works of care ethics was Milton Mayeroffs short book, On Caring, but the emergence of care ethics as a distinct moral theory is most often attributed to the works of psychologist Carol Gilligan and philosopher Nel Noddings in the mid-1980s. Sometimes advocated under the titles of community ethics or feminist ethics, an ethics of careMaking the nurturing of our immediate communities and the protecting of those closest to us the highest moral obligation. Engster develops a basic needs approach to care, defining care as a practice that includes everything we do to help individuals to meet their vital biological needs, develop or maintain their basic capabilities, and avoid or alleviate unnecessary or unwanted pain and suffering, so that they can survive, develop, and function in society (2007, 28). On the other hand, an organization that promotes a thoughtful culture fosters decision-making based on whats best for the patients, the staff and the community as a whole (Ray, 2012)., Provision 7. We deliver quality and plagiarism-free papers within your set deadline. 94). According to the work of Carol Gilligan (1982 . The culture of a health care organization, whether big or small, plays an important role in the ethical decision-making. Arizona State University The idea is that if someone has good character, they will naturally do good things. Other care ethicists, however, such as Rita Manning, point out differences in our obligations to care for companion, domesticated, and wild animals based upon carefully listening to the creatures who are with you in [a] concrete situation (Manning, 1992; 1996). A critical ethic of care understands the global order not as emerging from a unified or homogeneous humanity, but from structures that exploit differences to exclude, marginalize and dominate. An Ethics of Care in Clinical Settings: Encompassing Feminine and Feminist Perspectives., Brabeck, Mary. Carrie Johnson, U.S. Conceptualizing care as a cluster of practices and values, she describes a caring person as one who has appropriate motivations to care for others and who participates adeptly in effective caring practices. She identified two parties in a caring relationshipone-caring and the cared-forand affirmed that both parties have some form of obligation to care reciprocally and meet the other morally, although not in the same manner. Feminist care ethicists charge that a feminist care ethic is not compatible with the way Confucianism subordinates women. One popular approach is virtue ethics. each situation is different thus the categorical imperative does not work, if you saying lying is morally wrong but a situation suggests that lying is the morally better thing to do one must lie. (See Sections 2 and 8 below). 4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of care ethics? ). As it currently stands, care ethicists agree that women are positioned differently than men in relation to caring practices, but there is no clear consensus about the best way to theorize sex and gender in care ethics. For example, when I offer a bribe, am I impinging on the right of another to compete on a level playing field for the same business? While cautious of the associations between care and femininity, they find it useful to tap the resources of the lived and embodied experiences of women, a common one which is the capacity to birth children. Code of Ethics Strength and Weaknesses. What are the strengths and weaknesses of deontology? Additional similarities are that both theories emphasize relationship as fundamental to being, eschew general principles, highlight the parent-child relation as paramount, view moral responses as properly graduated, and identify emotions such as empathy, compassion, and sensitivity as prerequisites for moral response. She recommends carving out room for the development of moral emotions and harmonizing the ideals of care and justice. Likewise, sophisticated consequentialists claim that deliberators should go back-and-forth, as circumstances allow, between an 'indirect' sympathy-based deliberation and principle-based deliberation (Railton 1984; Driver 2005 on connecting this to care ethics). This objection further implies that the voice of care may not be an authentic or empowering expression, but a product of false consciousness that equates moral maturity with self-sacrifice and self-effacement. Sends a Message by Stepping Up Crackdown on Foreign Business Bribes,,, Typically contrasted with deontological/Kantian and consequentialist/utilitarian ethics, care ethics is found to have affinities with moral perspectives such as African ethics, Confucian ethics, and others. Some defenders of utilitarianism and deontology argue that the concerns highlighted by care ethics have been, or could be, readily addressed by existing theories (Nagl-Docekal, 1997; Ma, 2002). Premised on a fundamental non-contractual human need for care, Held construes care as the most basic moral value. She found that both men and women articulated the voice of care at different times, but noted that the voice of care, without women, would nearly fall out of their studies. Clear - Kant's theory is argued as simple. It is easier to determine an action as morally right in Kantian ethics . McLaren posits that virtue theory provides a normative framework which care ethics lacks (McLaren, 2001). It expresses a uniquely human concept - that of having emotions and being able to use them in situations. Gilligan has been faulted for basing her conclusions on too narrow a sample, and for drawing from overly homogenous groups such as students at elite colleges and women considering abortion (thereby excluding women who would not view abortion as morally permissible). 3. In Adams, C. and Donovan, J (ed.s), McLaren, Margaret. Strengths of Prescriptivism Why is Kantian ethics the best? But although they overlap, these are discrete fields in that although care ethics connotes feminine traits, not all feminine and feminist ethics are care ethics, and the necessary connection between care ethics and femininity has been subject to rigorous challenge. As a theory rooted in practices of care, care ethics emerged in large part from analyses of the reasoning and activities associated with mothering. It relieves others of any sense or obligation of care. Weakness Seems to give little reason for behaving morally, except to be socially acceptable. Conclusion. It's been said that the Presidency magnifies both your strengths and weaknesses. If the company is Oil-Dri where everyones deeply connected, and its an old client, and a little gift of cash has always been slid under the table, then the maintenance of that networks vitality and human health becomes a powerful argument in favor of continuing the practice. Bubeck thus distinguishes care from "service", by stipulating that "care" involves meeting the needs for others who cannot meet their needs themselves, whereas "service" involves meeting the needs of individuals who are capable of self-care. Kittay holds that the principles in egalitarian theories of justice, such as those of John Rawls, depend upon more fundamental principles and practices of care, and that without supplementation such theories undermine themselves (108). The weaknesses that can influence the implementation of the ethics e:learning program can be addressed through careful planning. For instance, the theory makes motherhood look like something that is inherently romantic and giving a firm base to sexual stereotypes. Making the nurturing of our immediate communities and the protecting of those closest to us the highest moral obligation. Philosophers and theologians have developed a number of different ethical theories over the centuries, including consequentialism, deontology, divine command ethics and virtue ethics. Critics also express a concern that without a broader sense of justice, care ethics may allow for cronyism and favoritism toward ones family and friends (Friedman, 2006; Tronto, 2006). At the companys 50th anniversary party, the CEO asked anyone related to anyone else at the organization to stand up. Refuting the charge that the moral reasoning of girls and women is immature because of its preoccupation with immediate relations, Gilligan asserted that the care perspective was an alternative, but equally legitimate form of moral reasoning obscured by masculine liberal justice traditions focused on autonomy and independence. Hume: The Womans Moral Theorist? in, Benhabib, Seyla. Applying it to the promotion question, if theres a member of Oil-Dri saddled by, lets say, a difficulty with alcohol, then that might actually be a positive consideration within care-based thought. Essentialism: care ethics fails to differentiate how people, especially women, are different. This isnt every man for himself, but it comes close to every social group for itself. In The Ethics of Care, Virginia Held offers a detailed account of the ethics of care, its features and potential as a novel normative theory.The first part of the book is devoted to the definition of care ethics as a distinct theoretical approach that represents an alternative to moral theories such as Kantian ethics and utilitarianism. It is also appealing to many because the consequences of a person's actions are visible to society. The perceived flaw in care ethics for both authors is a neglect of justice standards in how care is distributed and practiced, and a relegation of care to the private realm, which exacerbates the isolation and individualization of the burdens of care already prevalent in liberal societies. Likewise, Held is hopeful that care ethics can be used to transform international relations between states, by noticing cultural constructs of masculinity in state behaviors, and by calling for cooperative values to replace hierarchy and domination based on gender, class, race and ethnicity (Held, 2006). As feminist ethicists, Kittay and Held like to understand care as a practice and value rather than as a virtue because it risks losing site of it as work (Held, 2006, 35). She describes care as an emotional state, activity, or both, that is functional, and specifically involves the meeting of needs of one person by another where face-to-face interaction between care and cared for is a crucial element of overall activity, and where the need is of such a nature that it cannot possibly be met by the person in need herself (129). Fact-finding is a matter of common sense and does nor require any specialized legal training. Alternatively, a different client, one not demanding a bribe, may be sought to purchase the companys goods and services. Ethics of care theory weakness EssayGroom. She maintained that while the one-caring has an obligation to care-for proximate humans and animals to the extent that they are needy and able to respond to offerings of care, there is a lesser obligation to care for distant others if there is no hope that care will be completed. Theres no way to know for sure which path will be the right one, but in every case the choice will be made in the name of preserving and nurturing the human relationships surrounding the decision. Feminist Moral Inquiry and the Feminist Future in V. Held (ed. Kuhse, H. Clinical Nursing: Yes to Caring, No to Female Ethics of Care., Lai Tao, Julia Po-Wah. A person guided by virtue ethics would not be bound by strict rules or the duty to abide by a state's legal code. The opinion of the 12 jurors is better than the single opinion of the judge since it will more likely to prevent the individual biases. Thus, even if some women identify with care ethics, it is unclear whether this is a general quality of women, whether moral development is distinctly and dualistically gendered, and whether the voice of care is the only alternative moral voice. For many people 'happiness' is an important part of decision making as it is their main aim in life. In business, an ethics of care asks us to review decisions not in terms of hard rules but in terms of how they will affect the people with whom we share our lives. She finds that the preoccupation with the nation state in cosmopolitanism and communitarianism, and the enforced global primacy of liberal values such as autonomy, independence, self-determination, and others, has led to a culture of neglect. The application of care ethics to the moral status of animals has been most thoroughly explored by Carol Adams and Josephine Donovan (Adams and Donovan 1996; 2007). The overseas bribery relationship may be one of those cases. These critiques aim at Noddings original assertion that care givers have primary obligations to proximate others over distant others (Tronto, 1995, 111-112; Robinson, 1999, 31). However, an obligation to care for animals is established when humans make them dependent by providing food or shelter. According to Star, care ethics differs from Confucian ethics in not needing to be bound with any particular tradition, in downgrading the importance of principles (versus merely noting that principles may be revised or suspended), and in rejecting hierarchical, role-based categories of relationship in favor of contextual and particular responses. Joan Tronto is most known for exploring the intersections of care ethics, feminist theory, and political science. Within a more traditional ethics, one of the first steps to making a promotion decision is to clear away all the personal stuff before evaluating each employee directly and simply assess his or her professional merits. 5. However, while theorists define care ethics as a theory derived from actual practices, they simultaneously resist subjectivism and moral relativism. : A Critique., Hoagland, Sarah Lucia. Gilligan, C. and Belenky, M. A Naturalist Study of Abortion Decisions. In R. Selman and R. Yando (ed.s). 'Natural caring', thus, is a moral attitude - 'a longing for goodness that arises out of the experience or memory of being cared for' (Flinders 2001: 211). Rule Utilitarianism Strength. PHIL2080 - Ethics in the World of BusinessDalhousie University For example, both Maurice Hamington and Daniel Engster make room for self-care in their definitions of care, but focus more precisely on special bodily features and end goals of care (Hamington, 2004; Engster, 2007). On principle, it would seem, a care ethic guides the moral agent to recognize relational interdependency, care for the self and others, cultivate the skills of attention, response, respect, and completion, and maintain just and caring relationships. If a person has virtues, he or she can act morally and will be able to treat others with respect, compassion and love. She coins the phrase privileged irresponsibility to describe the phenomenon that allows the most advantaged in society to purchase caring services, delegate the work of care-giving, and avoid responsibility for the adequacy of hands-on care. switches the focus of moral regulation from the individual to networks of social relationships. This critique issues caution against uncritically valorizing caring practices and inclinations because women who predominantly perform the work of care often do so to their own economic and political disadvantage. This emerged as a distinct model of care in the interviews and case studies, with unique strengths and weaknesses. Alison Jaggar characterizes a feminist ethic as one which exposes masculine and other biases in moral theory, understands individual actions in the context of social practices, illuminates differences between women, provides guidance for private, public, and international issues, and treats the experiences of women respectfully, but not uncritically (Jaggar, 1991). Tries to encourage independence. Ethical leadership styles must be consistent to be effective. Although a number of care ethicists explore the possible overlap between care ethics and other moral theories, the distinctiveness of the ethic is defended by some current advocates of care ethics, who contend that the focus on social power, identity, relationship, and interdependency are unique aspects of the theory (Sander-Staudt, 2006). Moral Judgment: Theory and Research on Differences between males and Females, Davion, Victoria. Others include: The Mothers Movement Online, Mothers Ought to Have Equal Rights, the National Association of Mothers Centers, and Mothers and More. Because it depends upon contextual considerations, care is notoriously difficult to define. The basic question isnt about yourself; its not What should I do? Instead, its always about a larger us: What should be done to nurture the connections among those of us closest to each other?. A number of criticisms have been launched against care ethics, including that it is: a) a slave morality; b) empirically flawed; c) theoretically indistinct; d) parochial, e) essentialist, and f) ambiguous. For example, in the United States women of color and white women are differently situated in terms of who is more likely to give and receive care, and of what degree and quality, because the least paid care workers predominantly continue to be women of color. Expanding on the significance of the bodily experience of pregnancy and birth, Ruddick reasons that mothers should oppose a sharp division between masculinity and femininity as untrue to childrens sexual identities. key themes in the ethics of care include the following: the centrality of caring relationships; the various shared ties of mutuality; the view that caring both establishes and transforms who we are as people; the requirement that genuine caring gives rise to actions that address actual needs; and the fact that as a normative theory, care ethics Trontos definition is praised for how it admits to cultural variation and extends care beyond family and domestic spheres, but it is also criticized for being overly broad, counting nearly every human activity as care. ), Herr, Ranjoo Seodu. They both seek to avoid harm and personal values when assisting clients. International humanitarian interventions are more obligatory than military given the risk of physical harm, and the virtues of care can help the international community avoid dangers associated with humanitarian assistance. This code helps them make decisions about their life, careers and family. (Ethics is less about the fair imposition of rules and more about crafting social integration. Eva Feder Kittay is another prominent care ethicist. One of the most popular definitions of care, offered by Tronto and Bernice Fischer, construes care as a species of activity that includes everything we do to maintain, contain, and repair our world so that we can live in it as well as possible. While Robinson doubts the possibility of a more caring world where poverty and suffering are entirely eliminated, she finds that a critical care ethic may offer an alternative mode of response that can motivate global care. She more precisely calls for the public provision of Doulas, paid professional care-workers who care for care-givers, and uses the principle of Doula to justify welfare for all care-givers, akin to workers compensation or unemployment benefits. Feminist Ethics: Care as a Virtue. In, Miller, Sarah Clark. We describe the role and importance of the corporations ethical values and what is the relationship between the organizations culture and ethical decision-making. Along similar lines some critics object that care ethics is not a highly distinct moral theory, and that it rightly incorporates liberal concepts such as autonomy, equality, and justice. Responds directly to the situation of the agent. Another strength of Virtue Ethics is that it helps achieve eudaimonia. Originally conceived as most appropriate to the private and intimate spheres of life, care ethics has branched out as a political theory and social movement aimed at broader understanding of, and public support for, care-giving activities in their breadth and variety. Other weaknesses are: It is subjective, making it difficult to define right and wrong. Its logic is inductive, contextual, psychological, rather than deductive or mathematical. Its hard, of course, to break away, but there are other potential clients out in the world and going after them may, in the final analysis, do more for the social health of the core group than clinging to a problem at all costs. Both ACA & AACC respect the rights of privacy of their clients (Corey, G, Corey M & Callanan, 2011, pg. They both find it important to maintain trust in awareness of sensitivity regarding cultural diversity. Everyone's opinion is equally as valid and useful as another persons opinion. How could the ethics of care be used to justify accepting or refusing. An ethics of care directs our attention to the need for responsiveness in relationships (paying attention, listening, responding) and to the costs of losing connection with oneself or with others. The other brothers and sisters probably complain, but if theyre old enough they understand that protecting those who are vulnerable is one of the first imperatives of caring for each other as a group. Strengths Weaknesses Act Utilitarianism is pragmatic and focuses on the consequences of an action. Drawing conceptually from a maternal perspective, Noddings understood caring relationships to be basic to human existence and consciousness. HELP with essay: "The weaknesses of Virtue Ethics outweigh it's strengths." Virtue Ethics - Aristotle and MacIntyre Religious Studies Ocr Virtue Ethics Aqa religious studies a2 ethics rst3a - free will, virtue ethics, science, et . Ethical theories deal with the question of how human beings ought to behave in relation to one another. Central assumptions of feminine ethics are that women are similar enough to share a common perspective, rooted in the biological capacity and expectation of motherhood, and that characteristically feminine traits include compassion, empathy, nurturance, and kindness. The problem lies in determining how we know what kinds of persons we should be. ABC recruitment firm considers this code as an agreement employment for all member of the company., Trevio, L. K., & Nelson, K. A. we like to look at the end result too much rather then the person and the morality of it. Kohlberg had posited that moral development progressively moves toward more universalized and principled thinking and had also found that girls, when later included in his studies, scored significantly lower than boys. The most common comparison is between the concepts of care and the Confucian concept of jen/ren. The NAADC Code of Ethics provides guidance for individuals in the addictions behavioral health field to perform as honest and virtuous professionals. Sends a Message by Stepping Up Crackdown on Foreign Business Bribes, Washington Post, February 8, 2010, accessed May 12, 2011, 1) Raising awareness that suicide is a real problem. To the extent that care ethics encourages care without further inquiring as to who is caring for whom, and whether these relationships are just, it provides an unsatisfactory base for a fully libratory ethic. Code of ethics is a system that applies values and judgments to the practice of medicine. Kittay observes that in practice some women have been able to leave behind traditional care-giving roles only because other women have filled them, but she resists the essentialist association between women and care by speaking of dependency workers and dependency relations. Sarah Lucia Hoagland identifies care as the heart of lesbian connection, but also cautions against the dangers of assuming that all care relations are ideally maternalistic (Hoagland, 1988). The Liberation of Caring: A Different Voice for Gilligans Different Voice., Ruddick, Sara. Here, Benhabib traces a basic dichotomy in political and moral theory drawn between the public and private realms. Of yourselves of yourselves Voice for Gilligans different Voice., Ruddick,.... Be effective about crafting social integration whether big or small, plays an important role in the decision-making! Organization to stand Up, J ( ed.s ) a person & # x27 ; been... Socially acceptable one of those closest to us the highest moral obligation day to day in. Concept of jen/ren a maternal perspective, Noddings understood Caring relationships to be socially acceptable your set.... Moral relativism NAADC code of ethics provides guidance for individuals in the workplace here, Benhabib traces a basic in. 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