child care stabilization grant taxable

The lead agency may use the ARP Act supplemental CCDF Discretionary funds to reduce or waive copayments for a subpopulation of families eligible to receive CCDF. Adhering to your states unique spending and reporting requirements for funds that are part of the grant through the Office of Child Care. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act requires lead agencies to allow for provision of continued assistance for families whose income exceeds the initial eligibility threshold but is below the second tier. A: It will depend on your personal finances. As this requirement applies to the date of application, a school-age program that is open only during the summer would be eligible for a subgrant if the program applied for the subgrant when it opened again to provide child care services, such as in the summer when the program reopens. This enhanced FMAP rate has the effect of decreasing the amount that states will be required to spend to claim their full CCDF match allotment. As part of their ARP Act stabilization subgrant application, child care providers must certify they will pay at least the same amount in weekly wages and maintain the same benefits for each employee throughout the duration of the subgrant. associated with the licensed capacity of 50. Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, ADES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. As noted in 45 CFR 98.16(cc), Lead Agencies must provide descriptions in their CCDF Plans of (1) internal controls to ensure integrity and accountability; (2) processes to investigate and recover fraudulent payments and to impose sanctions on clients or providers in response to fraud; and (3) procedures to document and verify eligibility, pursuant to 45 CFR 98.68. A: Maybe, depending on how much of the grant you dont spend on business items. The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. The lead agency may also choose to use funds provided by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) ActVisit disclaimer page to cover copayments for all eligible families. NEW (Updated 2-23-22) I have a positive case of COVID-19 in my program, and I have applied for the COVID-19 Child Care Stabilization and Recovery Grants, now what? For example, a Head Start program licensed by the state as of March 11, 2021, would meet the definition of eligible provider at section 2202(a)(2)(B)Visit disclaimer page. OCC will review construction and major renovation applications to make sure that the use of ARP Act stabilization funds for construction or major renovation will not result in a decrease in the level of child care services provided in the service area. How much will my daycare get from the child care stabilization grant? The South Dakota Department of Social Services . Any funds received after the date of permanent closure will need to be returned to EEC. For example, a Lead Agency could increase income eligibility up to 85% of State Median Income; many Lead Agencies currently have lower thresholds. In some cases, funds used to cover operating expenses may be exempt from taxation. Will EEC make an unscheduled visit to conduct fiscal monitoring activities? The Child Care Stabilization Grant (CCSG) Program sustains Arizona's child care network by giving a consistent, reliable funding source directly to child care providers to cover increased cost and challenges due to COVID-19 through June 2023. These incentives are considered quality expenditures. Published on Monday, March 22, 2021. Is this grant counted as income? The request must also certify and describe how the health, safety, and well-being of children served through CCDF will not be compromised as a result of the waiver. Child care stabilization grants were appropriated to states in the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2) to help stabilize the child care sector via subgrants to child care providers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Do programs have to complete federal grant reporting to receive C3 funding? The CARES Act and the CRRSA Act do not address use of funds for construction or renovation; accordingly, regular CCDF/CCDBG rules apply. As a result, the children of these workers are vulnerable during this time. Broaden/loosen any State-, Territory-, or Tribal-specific eligibility requirements for CCDF subsidies up to the Federal maximum allowed. To qualify for the EITCVisit disclaimer page, filing units must not exceed the income/earnings eligibility threshold specific to the filing units filing status (married vs. single/head of household) and number of children (zero, one, two, or three or more). Lead agency agreements with intermediaries must meet CCDF requirements at 45 CFR 98.11Visit disclaimer page and are subject to the same obligation and liquidation periods for the stabilization funds. These funds will help early childhood and child care providers keep their doors open and continue to provide these essential services that are critical for a strong economic recovery and a more equitable future. Are available COVID-19 testing capacities meeting the needs of the community or would increasing testing in child care draw limited testing capacity away from populations with greater risk and exposure (e.g., health care workers and nursing home residents and workers)? ACF has prioritized continuity of care, as demonstrated by the graduated phase-out policy. No, a budget is not required as part of the application. The facility to be constructed must be used principally to provide direct child care services to children. It would also be allowable for the Lead Agency to use CCDF quality dollars to provide grants to impacted child care providers to improve quality and/or maintain the supply of child care. See the funding breakdown by state, tribe and territory, and more information about the grant on the White House American Rescue Plan Funding Fact Sheet. Previous updates can be found on the ARPA Stabilization Grants page on the Pennsylvania Key website. Yes, essential workers are subject to the eligibility requirement that family assets do not exceed $1 million. State and territory lead agencies provided information on their implementation of stabilization grant funding plans in their FY 2022-2024 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan, Q 4.1.8e due July 1, 2021. ACF strongly encourages that lead agencies disregard this funding when determining eligibility for CCDF. CCDF Lead Agencies have the option to interpret this provision (prohibiting funding of services during the regular school day) as applying only to services when a child is physically at schooland not when a child is in a child care setting. Questions are grouped in the drop-down menu below into four major categoriesARP Stabilization Grants, Supplemental Funds, Tribes, and Emergency Responseand each category has subcategories. The tutoring or academic support services do not occur during the regular school day pursuant to 42 U.S.C. Family child care providers must report any portion of the stabilization grant that they use to pay themselves as taxable income on their federal and state income tax return (unless their state chooses to make the grant not taxable). Q: My son is a part-time assistance that I dont do payroll taxes for him. ARP Stabilization Grants Congress awarded approximately $24 billion to the CCDF program with the goal of providing financial relief to child care providers to help defray unexpected business costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help stabilize their operations so that they may continue to provide care. T he O ff i ce of Chi l d Care's st abi l i zat i on grant s are i nt ended f or provi ders f aci ng f i nanci al burdens due t o t he CO V I D-19 pandemi c. T he f unds wi l l assi st i n st abi l i zi ng t he chi l d care FCC programs do not have to serve 10 children at the time of application. Grants will support projects that increase licensed or operational child care slots, add slots to meet new time/day requirements of employees, or fill currently licensed (but unfilled) slots for the benefit of employees. Child care providers may not involuntarily furlough employees from the date of application submission through the duration of the grant. Agreements with intermediaries should include a requirement for intermediaries to collect and report data to lead agencies on a regular basis, as lead agencies will be expected to report on this information. You will probably owe no more than 40% of the grant in taxes. Examples of changes that would require a waiver include exempting providers from some or all health and safety standards, health and safety training requirements, background check components; suspending annual inspections of providers; changing income eligibility to be higher than 85% of State Median Income; or changing the subsidy eligibility period to be less than 12 months. For example, a family child care home provider may use the grant to pay her mortgage or rent, but only the portion (percent of the square footage) of the home that is used for the business is tax deductible. Fiscal monitoring refers to the process EEC will follow to assess if grant award recipients are both using and documenting their use of grant funds correctly. What is the difference between a major renovation and minor building updates or maintenance? Q: Will getting this grant put me in a higher tax bracket? Stabilization subgrant funds cannot be used to incentivize license-exempt, non-CCDF-eligible providers to become CCDF-eligible and therefore eligible to receive a subgrant. Allowable changes could include children who are Tribal members, whose membership is pending, who are eligible for membership, and/or are children/descendants of members. Q: If I pay myself, how much will I owe in taxes? Find Stabilization Grant Applications for your State or Territory. To show payments from the business to the person, documentation may include: Records of self-payments of grant funds from the business should be consistent with personal records for tax purposes. Access to safe and reliable child care is the backbone of our economy and essential for employees to get back to work. The CARES Act, the CRRSA Act, and section 2201 of the ARP Act allowed the supplemental funds to provide child care assistance to families of essential workers without regard to the income eligibility requirements, but made no mention of the asset test. Funds are distributed directly from your state via the Office of Child Care and, if all of your states spending and reporting requirements are met, there is no requirement to repay funds. They are: For the purposes of determining CCDF eligibility and co-payment amounts, a Lead Agency may treat the UC benefits from the CARES Act or the CRRSA Act differently from the way it treats regular UC benefits. a Are there any program revenue guidelines to receive this stabilization funding? Section 658P(4) of the Act indicates that, for purposes of eligibility for CCDF subsidies, an eligible child includes a child who is receiving, or needs to receive, protective services (in addition to children of parents who are working or attending training/education). Q: If I transferred money to pay myself earlier but sometimes forgot to make a note, can I go back and fix it? There is also not a federal limit on the total dollar amount of stabilization subgrants that a qualified provider can receive. Like regular tribal CCDF funds, tribal ARP Act stabilization funds are set-aside to serve tribal children. Provider A receives a $3,500[1] grant and uses the entire amount of the grant to pay herself; the full amount of the grant will be taxable, but the provider can spend the funds on whatever she wants (e.g., pay down personal debt, save for an emergency, save for retirement, go on vacation). Rather, lead agencies have the discretion of placing reasonable conditions or timelines with regard to reopening on child care providers who receive a subgrant. On the homepage, click on the grant Management tile to open the grants Management system and Dashboard. The definition of what counts as income for WIC is determined at the federal level, and payments from child care stabilization funding would generally count as income. Lead Agencies are permitted to use funds for the establishment and maintenance of computerized child care information systems, including data systems. This will be necessary to access the various supports offered through the Department. Extensive alteration of a facility such as to significantly change its function and purpose, even if such renovation does not include structural change. Help is on the way! Any other cessation of work or attendance at a training or education program that does not exceed three months, or a longer period of time established by the Lead Agency. Set-aside funds can only be used for the following activities: Lead agencies may use the ARP Act supplemental CCDF Discretionary funds to reduce or waive copayments for a subpopulation of families eligible to receive CCDF. Can I still deduct them as expenses? This presents an administrative challenge for using grant funds, because if you dont do it correctly you may lose your funds. If so, how do I do this? Some examples include: What are the requirements and restrictions for how the grant funds can be used for payroll? In addition, states may use CCDF to subsidize child care services for school-age children (up to age 13) that provide care and supervision in situations where schools are not otherwise providing in-person instruction and an outside source pays for instructional services that are delivered in-person in the child care setting. View Additional Policy Resources on the Office of Child Care site. While lead agencies should be aware of obligation and liquidation requirements for the other COVID-19 related funding (i.e., under the CARES Act and CRRSA Act), lead agencies are strongly encouraged to obligate their ARP Act stabilization grant funds quickly to ensure they reach providers in need and protect the existing child care market. Broader considerations could include asking: Testing capabilities vary among communities and may be changing often. American Rescue Plan (ARP) Stabilization Funds. ACF seeks to support working families with quality child care options for children of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds that encourage learning in a safe environment while ensuring that that program resources are not duplicative of services provided by other entities, such as schools. How do I treat this on my taxes? For all of the above answers that were No, you can still pay yourself and then use the money for these purposes. CRANSTON, RI - The Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) is pleased to announce a new grant program designed to support and stabilize Rhode Island's child care industry. However, equipment, materials, and supplies that are not directly related to child care may be an unallowable use of CCDF funds. Sept. 1, 2021: The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is making American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grants available to eligible child care providers. Including additional categories of vulnerable children in the definition of protective services is only relevant for the purposes of CCDF eligibility and does not mean that those children should necessarily be considered to be in official protective service situations for other programs or purposes. Contributions to an IRA will not reduce your Social Security/Medicare taxes. Rent (including rent under a lease agreement) or payment on any mortgage obligation, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, or insurance. The plan includes $24 billion in child care stabilization grant funding for states, territories, and tribes to distribute within their state using the Child Care and Development Grant (CCDBG) formula. Q: If licensed family childcare is allowed 12 kids max. State tax rules apply. 17. The eligibility requirements defined at section 98.20(a)Visit disclaimer page of the CCDF regulations have separate financial eligibility requirements one for income and one for assets. In total NYS has nearly $1.1 billion in funding under this program. A: You can deduct your Time-Space% of your utilities. Goods and services necessary to operate, such as materials, equipment, and technology, Comprehensive services including mental health supports for children and employees. Broaden the Lead Agencys definition of protective services to permit emergency eligibility as a temporary, short-term measure. Apply for a Waiver for Extraordinary Circumstances: If the Lead Agency needs relief from specific CCDF requirements (e.g., a reduction in 12-month eligibility for impacted families) due to the COVID-19 situation, the Lead Agency may apply for a waiver for Extraordinary Circumstances. Funded by supplemental Child Care Development Block Grant funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), this opportunity is intended to help stabilize the cost of maintaining child care programs by supporting the child care workforce, reducing the financial burden of child care for families and ensuring a safe and healthy environment. Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization supplies and services, or training and professional development related to health and safety practices. Q: If I use the grant money to pay myself and then use the money to repair my home or fix my basement, can I deduct this as a business expense? Building Equitable Early Childhood Systems, Early Care & Education Quality Initiatives, Harnessing Opportunities for Positive Early Childhood (HOPE), The True Cost of Providing Safe Child Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Help is on the way! While these funds may not be used for direct services, they can be used to cover some of the costs associated with providing and expanding direct services, such as start-up grants and administrative costs associated with using grants or contracts for direct services. The amount you pay yourself has nothing to do with how many hours you work or when you work. More information is available from theWhite House American Rescue Plan Funding Fact Sheet. The dynamic environment associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for federal, state, and local policy makers charged with the administration of the CCDF program. Paying yourself involves nothing more than making a record indicating this. Because Family Child Care (FCC) providers capacity changes with enrollment, all FCC sites will be calculated using a capacity of 10 slots, regardless of the actual capacity, for the purposes of the formula. FAQs in this category focus on questions about how to implement subgrant programs and allowable uses for these funds by the provider. One example is the Rural Tribal COVID-19 Response (RTCR) program established by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) with CARES Act funds which allows rural tribes to increase their capacity to test suspected COVID-19 patients within their communities. a Are the grant funds taxable? It would be OCCs expectation that Lead Agencies would employ this flexibility only on a temporary basis for the period of the public health emergency related to COVID-19. No. Q: If I have staff can I still pay myself the whole amount? U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Native Americans (ANA), Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF), Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response (OHSEPR), Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget (OLAB), Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE), Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS), section 2202(d)(B)(i) and (ii) of the ARP Act, ARP Act supplemental CCDF Discretionary funds, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, FY 2022-2024 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan, FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan within 60 days of the effective date of implementation, or cost of producing self-employment income (once spent, US Department of Labors webpage on UC benefits related to the COVID-19 outbreak,, Rent, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, or insurance, Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization, or training and professional development related to health and safety, Purchases of or updates to equipment or supplies to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency, Goods and services necessary to maintain or resume child care services, Mental health support for children and employees, Administering child care stabilization funds, Carrying out activities to increase the supply of child care, Providing technical assistance and support for stabilization applications, Publicizing the availability of ARP Act stabilization funding, Providing technical assistance to providers receiving ARP Act stabilization funds. Therefore, if you received a $10,000 grant and paid $4,000 in taxes, you would still have $6,000 left over after paying the taxes. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Resources, National Resources about Family Child Care, ARP Act CCDF Discretionary Supplemental Funds, Early Childhood Systems Building Resource Guide, State and Territory Administrators Meeting Resources, Preschool Development Grants Birth through Five, Tribal Child Care Capacity Building Center, Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning, Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC), White House American Rescue Plan Funding Fact Sheet, Early Childhood Leaning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC), Tribal, State, and Territory Administrators Meeting Resources. The tutoring or academic support services occur within a child care setting as an integral component of the child care services (such as homework help or other learning components that have traditionally been a part of many afterschool or school-age child care programs). (42 USC 9858c(c)(2)(N)(iv); see also 45 CFR 98.21(b)) This safeguards childrens continuity of care as parents move towards economic self-sufficiency. Tribal lead agencies must also ensure that throughout the subgrant period, the tribally operated center meets the certification requirements, including implementing health and safety policies in line with local guidelines, continuing to pay at least the same wages and benefits to staff as those in place at the time of application, and to the extent possible, providing relief from copayments and tuition for families. Each approved program receives a Fixed Costs and Families Grant, based on . FAQs under this heading discuss stabilization subgrants and supplemental funding in relation to Tribal-specific flexibilities. Lead agencies have the flexibility to determine the documentation a child care provider must submit to confirm their current operating expenses and are encouraged to accept a variety of types of documentation and limit burden on applicants. Q: If I pay my assistant with the grant, do I still have to pay taxes on it? What if I am not selected for a fiscal monitoring review? There are only limited circumstances under which the Child Count can change. Wages for child care personnel, pay increases, bonuses, stipends, and benefits are all allowable uses for the grant funds. Regular CCDF funds or COVID relief funds (CARES Act, CRRSA ActVisit disclaimer page, and ARP Act supplemental) have a limit of 15 percent of funds that can be used for administrative purposes. Such a record could say, February 23, 2022 - $4,000 pay myself with the Stabilization grant.. Distributing the funds to employees (most states require a portion of grant funds to be paid out to employees)? The application process and distribution structure varies from state to state, so check your local government website to confirm application deadlines and important dates. Reprograming funds for other allowable activities does not constitute a cut in funding for child care for eligible individuals and is not considered supplantation. Programs will receive this funding by the end of August 2022. 9858k(b)(1) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(1). This does not require a waiver, but could require a Plan amendment. However, there may be some situations where child care stabilization funding should not be reported as income by a family child care provider (e.g., if the funding were used to cover rent, and if that did not affect a recipients net income). Yes, Lead Agencies may pay full-time subsidy payment rates for school-age child care as long as the Lead Agency is not paying for time when a child is physically attending school and is not paying for any regular education services. Q: What impact will receiving this grant have on my Social Security benefits? Therefore, you would need to file 1099-Gs to avoid penalties for failure to file (Internal Revenue Code Section 6721) or failure to furnish (6722). Q: Where does the grant go on Schedule C? View COVID-19 resources for CCDF Lead Agencies, providers, and families. Finally, Lead Agencies must inspect child care providers for compliance with fire, health, and safety standards in accordance with 45 CFR 98.42. Eligibility and award amounts will be determined at the site level based on each sites licensed capacity and will consider the communitys SVI. A: You arent paying yourself for any particular hours you work. 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