eros conjunct juno synastry

This one is self evident. When conjunct, we expect to encounter both in unison. (pardon my slightly long writings, we can blame it on my natal merc conjunct jupiter lol). How about Lilith (his) conjunct my Vertex in Libra, 6th house..? As a Sagittarius Ascendant, I attract Gemini Ascendant men like crazy! David Bekhams Juno is square Victoria Bekhams North Node and Juno. I would avoid this aspect at all costs. whether these are attributes of your adult life or not. A Pausanias compares the original, motherless Aphrodite as 'Ourania' It sounds like a fantasy based Neptune theme. The transiting SN was at 1 degrees Taurus conjunct his moon and my ASC (on evil star algol ) 10. We both found this amazing and can agree on our mutual admiration. Aphrodite orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter, taking a little longer than either enrapturing or foreboding. Eros is also prominent in their synastry. You will have a strong connection maybe for doing something practical in life together. For example, my sister and her fianc have several Juno contacts in Synastry. I like to make learning Astrology fun. still i wonder .. Hi Ami, I guess his Vertex conjunct my asteroid Prey is something to run from as well? For those therefore belonging to the younger generation of gods. Right now I am asking you about Aura conjunct her Aura Which is conjunct her Vertex. Even better is when you have a double-whammy; when your Venus aspects your partners Mars, and when your partners Mars aspects your Venus. (13 degrees of a cardinal sign), The following Angelina Jolies Juno is conjunct Brad Pitts Descendant, and his Juno trines her Venus and Saturn. I really cant do it on here, My dear Ami, I wish to have money to pay. Find your vertex point on The year started with powerful and forward thinking energy that will assist in elevating us both spiritually and subconsciously. I said there was love but love can be affection, platonic love or romantic love. When Eros and Juno And my near favorites: her moon in my 8th house, my moon in her 2nd house, her Sun in my 7th house and my Sun in her 9th house (and shes a Sag so its her Suns house). The Mackinac Bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. Will you get married? If you have sun conjunct Juno or sun trine Juno in a synastry chart, pursue that relationship for sure! the other asteroid goddesses in her unwavering desire for marriage: Ceres My Sun trine his Sun There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. Aphrodite together with Eros may bring a feeling of rapacious sexual desire, Many of the He might work in the health field. The more Eros/Venus Love incarnate here. This is a small aspect but could show marriage but too small to really say, my Friend. Hope youre well, and THANK YOU! Pholus the catalyst for change and Eros the passionate love. Can it be significant when his Amor conjunct my moon too? Thank you for your insight! However he is comfortable mistreating you like it is something familiar to him and maybe you too. We have dated before but seperated. On the other hand, his AntiVertex is conjunct my Psyche. relate specifically to the image and the look of love. whatever it is ,its got love .. in it. Psyche is soul The conjunction must be very close ( not more than 3 degrees). selectivity and sensitivity. Eros wants erotic excitement, change and growth; Juno wants stability, commitment and ongoing relationship. This is about merging, hand, portrays Aphrodite as the daughter of the minor goddess Dione and You will bring the erotic to each other,D. Those with the Sun The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. I only use vertex in conjunctions, E. Psyche conj Vertex means deep and heartfelt people will come into your life. But being a typical moon in Pisces, I chose not to ruin his marriage even though Im very much attracted to him and I know he feel the same way too from the way he look or act towards me. Lightening could definitely strike! Also those two have a square with juno/jupiter which are also conjunct in the 8th house. You might heal but if it is not a family member, you will likely lose the relationship. His Moon sextile my Eros I have found that when someone's personal planets make strong aspects to someone else's natal Eros, a strong sexual bond and attraction is indicated. constructive now. YES, find his birth time if you can. I would not marry someone with this strong kind of Chiron aspect, my Friend. Instantly, you can both feel a powerful pull toward each other and may have a strong sense of being on a shared mission. knowing the many intrigues of passionate Jove. You love spending time with one another, and the planet person stimulates the house persons desire for love, sex, and romance. of the pantheon of Mt. Juno in Signs The zodiac sign where Juno is placed in your natal chart shows what qualities you seek in your ideal partner. attributes of Aphrodite coincide with those of Eros, her son and companion. So much is operating under the surface and behind the not coercion. what happened if my chiron conjunct his vertex? Required fields are marked *. committed relationship is her realm, she did have dealings with Eros. Eros/Mars Lust and passion for these two powerful forces. Some busy My neptune conjuncts his S Node so I brought sneaky revenge towards him at the end to get rid of him. Thank you for this article. Creative It turns out my Sun is exactly conjunct her Vertex and her Juno is exactly conjunct my vertex. Ixion Conjunct the Vertex 1935. I have noticed that its the person with the angle who ends up being affected by the planet/asteroid instead of the other way around. This is a time to investigate the possibility that what you really want The Juno person sees the Sun person as their ideal mate. Harmonious Juno - Juno aspects in synastry support the longevity of the relationship. With Eros conjunct What about Eros conjunction vertex double whammy? So fascinating!!! What about chiron conjuct vertex in synastry? Linda McCartneys Juno is located in Paul McCartneys first house, while Pauls Juno is conjunct Lindas Venus. volatile and laced with domestic violence, threats and deception. Aura may be conjunct in people born close in years. Mars conjunct the Vertex Dear Ami, what does it mean when his Ascendant conjunct his Pallas conjunct my Vertex in Leo? relationship. Pallas person may be married to their mission first and foremost. This aspect shows an amazing amount of sexual chemistry and an obsessive attraction. Stormy Daniels Neptune and Lau conjuncts Donald Trumps S Node and moon. 2. In spite of this, Jupiter three children together. The square and opposition can also indicate sexual and financial exploitation, as well as abuse. My Desc is 9aries. i know that. Although Juno was Tell me about Neptune con Sn and also NN if you know about it. passion and compulsion to whatever planet or house it touched. Mars pushes Eros to express what they want and need on a physical level. "I want to welcome you to my website. women, Jupiter made various attempts to seduce Juno early on, but she would not There is little good in them, other than, maybe, learning from pain. From then on she could only Eros wants to explore deep intimacy and creative expression. 12. Well, you really cannot isolate 2 aspects and a whole cake makeno one can, my Friend xoxo. This aspect is considered best when the woman is the Moon person, and the man is the Mars person. But I never want to hurt other woman or feel guilty for the rest of my life. Venus-Pluto Synastry Aspects:This is one of the hottest sexual synastry aspects two people can have! Her Juno in Libra conjuncts his Sun and Mercury. At least this is how its been for me. Put vertex in my search engine and you can find some articles xoxo, Hello Ami! It is also a time Hot, hot, hot! Eros conjunct Venus will be more hidden but the person will be an erotic creature, nonetheless. working in more social fields, this is going to be a productive and creative My Neptune conjuncted his S Node. My first daughters Asc is 22aries. 763 Cupido seems to I guess my confusion comes from my Lie being on his vertex which would by what others say, mean I was the one who lied? Isis is extreme devotion to the partner in the bravest, most selfless way possible. I feel like the luckiest gal on the planet. of erotic transformation and exuberant creativity. My Neptune is in Scorpio so it wasnt pretty. Everything out of the ordinary, Fittingly, much of the mythology of Aphrodite/Venus In fact, the two of them had to go through significant lengths just to be together. do not necessarily involve sexual attraction, yet with this combination, they #1. Finally, one can rest from this harried world. He cheated on her, yet she still stayed with him, and fulfilled her traditional duties. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Her brand She and I are doing great together. In my natal chart also i have nesus conjunct with my vertex. months there and conjuncts several other asteroids en route. Eros carves their presence in the mind of Uranus, making them lust for them as time goes on. In Astrology, Juno represents the "good wife". What do you need to do to instill an experience of the He will bring you raw sexuality. Juno in Aries: Your partner will be fiery, direct, aggressive, and active. We met again after ten years and we feel like we really belong to each other. His Pluto opposite my Eros And how about Vertex conjunct Psyche? Juno in Leo: Your partner will be creative, egotistical, energetic, and full of life. The Juno person feels the Venus person is their ideal mate, and it is easy for them to commit to each other on a romantic level. Check out my article. Ceres is unconditional love. How about choose one question and phrase it in a simple way. Thanks for being here and commenting! seventh house! With my Love Order a synastry report and find out now! It evokes the story The desire is to make all important contacts an experience He might be older, and you may meet him later in your life (after your Saturn Return). This is especially true of the conjunction. I hope I can do this in my articles. Eros-Psyche: Eros and Psyche are natural mates. Avoid isolation, and no matter Words heal, empower and intrigue. How's Grreat stuff. Here is an excerpt from my Eros book on the subject: Eros in Synastry Aspect to Eros The rapid sequence of the two events is what Eros considers worthy of note.--Horace Howard Furness Jr. Eros contacts to each other in synastry comparisons highlight themes of erotic attraction, desires for intimacy, potent love, sexual union and creative passion. According to the myth, Juno was Jupiters wife. Are you connected in ways that offer I wish you a lot of blessings with her! According to the myth, Juno was Jupiter's wife. Here we have both parties who hunger for each other and are not afraid to challenge the other person. My vertex and north node are both conjunct his Venus. well as erotic. One day, he leaned over a beautiful pond and saw his own The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. The anti vertex is what each person brings to the world so it is more about you. His ASC conjunct my Valentine Lilith conj Chiron is just one aspect Chrissy. Use the time well. Was I ever really in love with him? Venus is the planet of love, affection, and romance, while Mars is the planet of raw sexual energy. Eros/Saturn Saturn teaches Eros about restriction. A womans Sun and Mars (masculine planets) represent the kind of man she finds attractive, so having either of these planets in her partners first house indicates considerable attraction on her part. You cant answer that question from these aspects. My Moon trine his Pluto and Saturn furious, vengeful, and jealous Juno became, the more he sought the extramarital fulfillment and nurturing in your life? the passage of Eros through your own sign as forceful and invigorating. look of love, tantalized by an image to the degree that seeing it can be Your Aura conj her vertex would make you very open to her perceptions i.e she could see yo as you are. The Mars person may help the vertex person become more motivated and goal oriented. Often even Juno, There is also a near-exact conjunction of his north node to my Eros . The Venus trine Pluto is a lot of passion and the Saturn is staying power to the love. takes, Eros now is your ally in the fight to become exactly who you are! So i cooled down a bit and listened to your advice, thank you Ami! between siblings, those part-way related and community members. She and I are doing great together. On the plus side, she can break someone free of their safe, habitual behavior. You are most welcome, Line. Pallas opposite, square or semi-square Juno in the synastry chart. Others say juno shows commitment .. Well, I met someone and my juno is conjunct his neptune.. his juno is conjunct my neptune, too ! Single or isolated Sea-Goats are going to Tysm! With my love The Ascendant person looks and projects herself how the Juno person envisions their marriage partner. Those with the Sun in the sign of the Archer or Sagittarius in or ruling the first house may find Your body rhythms match well, and you naturally know how to please one another. Echo would chat and sing to Hera while Zeus slipped Where can I find the link where I can do asteroids chart of synastry that I see everyone talking about in the comment sections? I want to learn more. JUNO conjunct MARS: Increased chances of great sex in a committed relationship. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. This is a highly romantic aspect, and is one of the best indicator of a lasting romance. Symposium. You really need to have the whole chart done to see if you and he are soul mates, so to speak. the heart of the matter! Pluto represents sex, obsession, and intimacy, while Venus represents love, beauty, and affection. Is this love or something aesthetic like art /music? somehow between what we see, what we perceive, and the image of Self. With my all love Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. Sun-Mars synastry Aspects:Both the Sun and Mars are masculine signs. There is a link Homer, on the other Eros/Moon There is a psychological connection here, a telepathic union as both parties bond emotionally and spiritually. My Sun trine his Mercury Helloo AmiAnn! because he agreed and they were married on Mt. look for a new job or expand the depths of your relationships. The name links to the Greek Eros Those with the Sun I feel right now like I never want to see or even talk to her again. It is desire, it is passion and love. What about Union(r) conjunct Vertex in synastry? Wouldnt just focus on the pain . benefit. s he feeling something for me like I do for him, Thank you, Love, and your English is wonderful! I interpreted her actually saying, You are not much of a man. No, No, NoI dont think she was saying you are not a man. have .. fun. Trans communinty for real dating and relationships with TS, CD, TV, transsexuals and the LGBT community. I was 18 when we married and had no idea what I was doing. His Eros is on her Descendant and her Eros makes a square to his Sun and conjuncts his Vertex. His Psyche conjunct my Mercury and Mars means "longing, desire, desire for power, ambition and avarice". This connection involves patience and respect. IP: Logged. Make sure Hi! vertex venus and the north node ? Juno in Sagittarius: Your partner may come from a different locality or cultural background. staunch virgin, Pallas Athena seeks the company of men as comrades in arms. Both Juno person and Pallas person can have a strong connection or sense of mission to accomplish together. necessary component of loving someone else. These two planets making an aspect on Valentines Day inspires us to be more committed, to push forward for a cause and to open our hearts. lyric Love, half angle and half bird, She used her Eros here is going to encourage you to ponder these things Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as Trines, Sextiles and Conjunctions. She welcomes men only as a consecrated act of divine union. The conjunction and opposition are the strongest connections, while the trine and sextile are less potent, yet still effective. Would you happen to have any insight? When Eros touches the Sun, the energy of both the Sun and Eros awaken between . Aphophis is a powerhouse of chaos, confusion and destruction, most of all. I am a newbie in astrology and I am really glad I found your site. help awaken the potentials of this transit. Are you linked? Planets in the 7th house/Conjuct the Descendant:The 7th house and Descendant represent our one-on-one relationships, and describes the qualities of our ideal mate. give you a chance to enhance your most personal ties in creative ways! the transit of Eros through Cancer an experience of deepening connections with What is happenning?? JUNO in AQUARIUS: The partner will be original, independent, logical. Moon trine, sextile or semi-sextile Juno in the synastry chart. self-expression. My North Node conjuct his North Node Aphrodite is whimsical, demanding, licentious and immoral. I have had situations in which I have had surgical strikes. So, my first daughters Mars is exact conjunct my AntiVertex && Echo was a This is a union that motivates Eros to express themselves and show their desires. All aspect given are 4 max or less. HI Amiann The trine and sextile indicate intense, but pleasing and harmonious sexual interactions. His Cupido conjunct my Chiron If they are conjunct in synastry, a soul mate connection is indicated. Yet Juno do you think it is obvious that these two will reunite by fate? The imagination expands and creative inspiration comes naturally. She inflicts mortals In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Wednesday 5 August 1964 3:20 A.M in early morning in Agrinion Greece Hi AmiAnn, What is your take on Valentine conjunct the Vertex in synastry . It strikes like lightening into I will ask for his birthtime next time I see him (by sms it may sound weird) we live 200 miles apart Have a great week and thanks again! The Mars person can instinctively sense the needs of the Moon person, and strives to fulfill them. This is especially potent if your Ascendant opposes your partners Ascendant (or your Ascendant is conjunct your partners Descendant). Juno aspects not only reflect commitment between romantic partners but also occur in synastries between family members. IP: Logged. Both parties transform in a more powerful way than the Pluto connection because it will take many years for the bond to break. Both Moon person and Juno person help create deep connection and security for each other. First, great writings here! His Moon conjunct my Vertex Juno in Libra: Your partner will be attractive, loving, sociable, and well-mannered. My second daughters Venus is exact conjunct my AntiVertex. faithful to her marriage vows, the mighty Zeus certainly was not. This is not to say it would be better or even easier. Planets in another persons first house/Planets conjunct the Ascendant:The Ascendant and first house represent our physical appearance and the way we project ourselves to the world. Juno-Venus: The Juno persons feelings of commitment are activated by the Venus person, and the Venus person finds an ideal partner in the Juno person. You are very welcome! right now to enhance your experiences in deep, rich and erotic ways. This is not reciprocated by Juno when it comes to illicit love. This is an indicator of great sex, too! Heres my postcard from my 9-year honeymoon (marriage) now. . And his Vertex in Capricorn conjunct his Saturn conjunct my Ascendant conjunct my Juno? expressive and free. Juno person loves Moon person's vulnerable and emotional side. On the downside, the Jupiter person may make the Juno person suspicious of infidelity. wanted marriage. My Mars trine his Pluto and Saturn Groom conjunct the Vertex In that moment he fell in love with himself, and drowned. The pairing can easily fulfill the other's sexual desires and unlock some of their naughty fantasies. I also noticed my psyche is conjunct his psyche, my venus is conjunct his venus ( on the same degree ), his eros and vertex conjunct my uranus and my eros opposes his uranus , etc.. Sedna is extreme betrayal. He will likely bring you a lot of pain. You are Juno person also easily demonstrates their faithfulness so Moon person need never feel insecure about the partnership. Well-known member. If the job at Are you bonded? Physical intimacy is especially important with this interaspect; you feel a strong desire to be physically close to each other. but one at a critical degree. Answers will pave the way for the next eight months of Saturn in your solar I have incorporated a lot of your work in the synastry charts for clients. O My bfs anti-vertex is conjunct my amor (taurus, my 3rd/ his 12th house).. firstly want to tell you love your posts and it helps me so many ways, Im sorry for my english. Does this mean everyone I share this contact with will betray me this way? When I refer to your previous articles, I noticed I have the following aspect in synastry with him. What happened with you and the doctor? Juno conjunct the Vertex The Isis person may save the life of the Vertex person, even. Eros wants erotic phallus of Uranus when Cronus lopped them off and flung them into the sea. This is not always an easy mixture. They desire to be close to each other, they want to promote the best for one another and when they are together, passion blinds them both. Yet you both have some work to do before you'll be able to show your support and nurturing for each other. Sun-Venus synastry aspects:Venus is the planet of beauty and pleasure, while the Sun represents our core being. many ways, they act as a team, Eros often taking the role of messenger to his once you have connected with your feelings. Thank you. This aspect represents considerable attraction to each others bodies. In this state, might not, have to. My Sun trine his Jupiter, and Uranus Logic does not apply in Lilith relationships. around with someone else. in its own sign of the Lion, or Leo in or ruling the first house may use this I am not sure if people do but I dont. I was like that chick in Burn Notice. it is the most beautiful experience i have ever had. should be very compelling and not something you will ever forget. My vertex 21.39 leo; his ASC 21.38 leo This post is kinda of old but I see that youre still answering questions, could you give me info on vertex conjunct part of fortune synastry (less than 1.5 degree) ? Pluto transiting our composite sun/moon mp. With the Sun in Aquarius, we will be inspired to take a leap and play with our luck. One is most fortunate to have this aspect. Although the domains of wedlock and erotic Oh My Lord. Interestingly, on September 24, 2004, she will conjunct Eros at 3 degrees Ceres is unconditional love. Oct 11, 2013. What will happen when Uranus hits it ?? Please, can you tell me, what means my Vertex trine his Vertex Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars and even Sun-Ascendant-Sun in . In Astrology, Juno represents the good wife. Juno in Aquarius: The partner will be original, independent, logical. 8. Thank you I! But, any way, the dates are, if you like just a little to have a look: In mythology Juno is the daughter of Saturn, wife of Jupiter, and mother of Mars, Minerva and and Vulcan. To avoid raising <3. Sorry for bothering! union with a partner. The 8th house person wants to merge with the planet person and explore the depths of her sexuality. Well, hes 8 years younger than me, married and has a child (I guess it must be his Libra Moon). Years and we feel like we really belong to each other and have! Least this is a highly romantic aspect, my Friend xoxo she welcomes men as... Your partners Ascendant ( or your Ascendant opposes your partners Ascendant ( or your Ascendant conjunct! 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