aita for uninviting my stepdad

That's a girl color! Not a prank. I dont see how he can maintain a proper level of mental health while being involved with your toxic family members. What your sister did was shitty, she let you down and made you waste 90. Me, who has autism and still got that: N0oBs, Thank you. I cant believe that Tims family would want to see them or your mom at the wedding. You know their bullying will only get worse with you standing up for him. Id tell them since they suck so much at life they can sit at the house and play pranks on one another and if mommy wants to get involved, she can sit her ass at the house with them as well. I sent Dean and Kevin invitations but once they found out that our stepdad was going to be there, they said they might not come. NTA- my husband has asthma and they could have killed him. These aren't pranks, these are attacks. My parents had been together since they were 14 years old. A lot. Why isnt this the top comment? just an umbrella term or have multiple meanings. NTA. You can certainly take them on trips and include them in the family activities and all that, but always follow the number one rule of life, Don't be a dick. OP, the men in your family are the living definition of toxic masculinity. I call this sort of thing radioactive stupidity. Those would be considered crimes if the police were called. ESH except your fianc. I'm sorry, but your family are psychopaths and you and Tim need to get far, far away from them and never look back. The question shouldnt be whether or not theyre invited to your wedding. I basically told him that if he is considering not coming then dont even bother. Your former lack of imposing boundaries is concerning and has led to this life threatening situation. She's from a family of AHs, and she's bordering on it herself for not doing a hard shut-down sooner. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Everyone thinks it's some made up thing just used as an excuse to get out of things. Hill to die on is a good metaphor because an asthmatic can die without his inhaler. Me and his bio son arent on good terms. You don't need them at your wedding and honestly? I honestly would've dumped OP a long time ago. I agree, OP should've stepped in the first time it happened. If I am being 100% honest with you, if I my in-laws had treated me the way your family have treated your partner, I would not have married him. The men in your life are toxic. They're not joking, they are asshole bullies. Hiding an inhaler can cause DEATH. No adult man wants some rando on the internet trying to convince people his name means he's immature or not "man enough". This is toxic masculinity and for what exactly? NTA, the men in your family are full blown psychopaths. Rejecting feminine things like healthy social connections literally shortens their lives. These people would be as dead to me as Tim could have been. this is wildly inappropriate at best, and really not funny. NTA, but if were your fianc I would not marry into your family. You never mention where you stand, but Im willing to bet that if they dont line up, you probably wont enjoy their company much. I'd be pissed if one of my in-laws slashed them as a "prank". How can four people be so fucked in the head to think it is acceptable to hide much-needed medication from someone?! They at least all need to apologise and show remorse and understanding that they were wrong, along with a promise to stop this bullshit. They bullied him and did illegal things. What about them proving to you that they are decent people who love and care about you? The first year i was on the rocks with my mom so i invited my dad and his gf, the next year however i was good with everyone and invited my mom and my dad. Maybe to you. I would cut them off and not look back. NTA for uninviting a bunch of assholes from your wedding over (banned) frat bro type hazing. Slashing someones tires is NOT a prank! He said that he didn't reply but later I got a call from my mom yelling at me calling me hurtful stuff saying I was acting like an ungrateful b by excluding her husband from the wedding after everything he's done for me, I told her that my brothers threatened not to come which pushed me to make this difficult dicision because if it was for me I'd have everyone there. Id have bounced at the slashing tires. She sounds like shes been seething. (English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the spelling), So if he had an asthma attack, and had to be hospitalized, I guess they would deduce hes weak? Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. No amount of masculine hobbies excuses that. What would they have done if he got sick or died? Yet I still had a feeling something would happen when it came to my wedding. So if Tim had dropped dead at their feet, would they have congratulated him for passing the test? If they can't see this then they're sick in the head! Fucking abuse. NTA, they literally could have put his life at risk over a stupid prank. They should deal with the consequences. I'd tell your mom that you would be ashamed of your children if they acted like your dad. LC or NC should be options too. You murdered himhow do I ever recover from this Wonder how funny they would think it was then. And there is no come backPretending he died/nearly died isn't funny.really. but potentially killing him is? This is bullying. Not to mention, destroying someone else's property is not a prank, it's criminal behavior. Over a prank? You should have put your foot down as soon as this stuff started. They could have killed him. OP, they should be damn lucky your fiance hasn't just walked away from you and the marriage. Totally agree. Marrying him is your decision, not theirs. 283 AITA for uninviting my GF to a family dinner because she wouldn't dress modestly? This is absolutely mind-boggling to me, considering everything. Slashing tires? I definitely would have pressed charges. Theyd be lucky if being disinvited was the worst thing youd do to them. The moment they started with their shit you should have put a stop to it. Yep, that guy sure loves OP for putting up with her AH family. They're just AH and none of what they're doing is pranking, IMHO they're intimidated by someone that is more educated then their dumb asses. Also don't call him Timmy. They divorced five months after getting married when she found him cheating. Those assholes would show up in their hunting gear and make everyone miserable. NTA Do you guys have kids? He might not be at that point yet, but he is getting VERY close. NTA at all. NTA ! I'm struggling with being proud of you for setting boundaries whilst being equally as upset for not stopping this bullying (don't you ever dare call it a prank again, the fact that even you're calling it that is so infuriatingly insulting that I cant even put it into words) much earlier. This type of ban/suspension is issued by the Reddit site-wide admins. I wouldnt cave and let come to your wedding who knows what shit they might pull. Obviously plenty of couples choose to be childfree or go for adoption, but if OP wants to have biological children with her husband then can she really leave them in the care of her parents knowing that an asthma attack will be treated as "learn to breathe better you whiny brat"? I mean, they sound basically awful (and essentially bullies) anyway, but that pitches them from 'boorish' to 'sociopathic'. You should cut them off. Honestly, it is astounding that Tim is still with LW. I cant wait for the AITA because I did not stand up to the bullies in the family and now my husband is divorcing me. NTA wtf??? Abuse. Your father is an especial AH as he is too old for this complete rubbish and should be a sensible moderating influence on the younger family members. Yeah, garage would make me think of parking too cause it's the same word in German, but it's sometimes just difficult to remember or think of the various names for services and shops as they either depend on US vs UK (or other places too) or are e.g. Or not even cut them off, just make sure I am not in the position where they could do that to me again e.g. I can replace tires, but that prank wouldve been a hard line for me. Not to mention, it would be a pain in the A to replace them and probably balance them without the equipment of a shop - still possible but probably take a lot longer. NTA. NTA. I hadnt seen a doctor in a decade due to lack of health care and this guy straight up told me he hasnt either even after a heart attack. Yes but then he wouldn't seem MANLY to them and wouldn't have PROVEN himself if he couldn't go fix ALL 4 tires BY HIMSELF. What if he had an asthma attack? This. Dude couldve died. NTA i dont listen to this artist but she begged (and i mean BEGGED) me to buy a ticket and go with her because nobody else would (shed already asked her other step-sister before asking me). Shes just found her breaking point to realizing its not and her soon to be husband was the person who showed her. NTA for disinviting them stand your ground OP. Most of us bigger people would have had them charged with vandalism and just stopped engaging with them. I'm on the hope the stepdad pulls his money out of her wedding train too. NTA they took the pranks way too far. INFO: how does your fianc feel? Taking someone's enhaler can kill them. Honestly the fact that you're asking that question makes me wanna call you an asshole. you should try learning to parse tone without slash indicators. OP is young and probably still having to learn to navigate this issue. The Testing they have done is all about highlighting there own sense of entitlement over who they find acceptable to for you to be with and driving away someone they find unacceptable. I could definitely see these assholes trying to cover something like that up. Side note!!! Problem was I need my car for work. Wow :/, honestly OP is the asshole, for being too soft with her parents and allowing this shit to happen, This is exactly what I came here to say. OP, how have you not filed a police report?? I yelled that all 4 of them are uninvited to my wedding. The man loves you but hes at risk of death and financial hardship being associated with you as long as your family is involved. Not from you though, so NTA. I never got the impression OP wasnt supportive of the fianc. NTA. Block them back so you don't have to wonder if they'll show up again with more of their bs. These aren't pranks. Just they just seem like big bullies to me. Slashing tires is illegal and it seems there are witnesses. Dont let any of those family members ruin an extremely special day between you and Tim. Lived well past those issues. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. OP if you see this have your fiance go slash each and everyone of their tires and when they inevitably freak out throw the prank back right in their face."WhAT He WaS JuSt pRaNkInG aNd TeStInG yOuR "MaNhOoD": these family members are just pure evil and have no respect for either of you. Your fiance could press charges! Your fiance is not an opportunity for your uncle and brothers to demonstrate their masculinity. I sent Dean and Kevin invitations but once they found out that our stepdad was going to be there, they said they might not come. You don't need your family to think your fiance is "man enough", and their definition itself is horrendous. My parents pride themselves on being do-it-yourself. I doubt anyone here would find the choice so easy if they got stuck with it either. He was constantly belittling my efforts, my masculinity, my profession, and my art. I had an cousin die from cancer because he waited for the tumor that was visible to get so large and spread before getting to the doctor. And honestly? If youre having children, what will these men do to them, particularly if you have Tims son? Run, Tim, RUN!!! A girl I know died because she was alone in her hotel room and couldn't reach her inhaler. Tim isnt driving a wedge between you and your familyyour family is driving that wedge. Stand your ground and move on with your life. Because if she has an asthma attack and is more than 3 feet from one, she will die. 1) I doubt she's using his real name. I'm 33 M and I recently went back to college for a BFA. A friend of mine DIED from an asthma attack!!! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If I sat there and let one of my weird relatives bully him, or god forbid, put his life in danger, (say, for example, by hiding an important medical device like an inhaler) hed be fully justified in running for the damn hills. I moved out and left them to take care of my younger brothers by themselves and went full no contact for years. Interesting how these "pranks" appear to involve illegal activity. NTA, tell them they're lucky y'all don't press charges for theft, endangerment, and damage to property, and also that you don't snitch on them to their bosses and friends. If you don't cut these relatives out of your life, when Tim leaves you, you will end up marrying someone like them. Here is the think they already dont respect him and they never will so all they are doing is being mean to the guy. I hope she learns to put him before her extended family. They kept calling him slow and soft but he has medical condition (asthma) but they think he's making 'excuses'. My siblings have disowned me and speak badly about me and the situation. Im really fired up over this apparently. Thats just too much and a huge wtf. There's something wrong with anyone who considers vandalism like slashing tires a prank. Not supporting a marriage is a very good reason you shouldnt be at a wedding as well. OP's family are criminal thugs who are endangering his life. Your fianc has nothing to prove to anyone, all this is is toxic, insecure men making someone they see as a THREAT feel small. The slashed tires should have been the end of it. . He needs to man up! These are the intensifyingly cruel acts of a mob towards someone they view as an outsider. You need to go NC. The truth is their pranks were expensive and hurtful - and nobody is laughing. This is a really bad troll. Those guys are assholes. Dad is flat out saying he will never respect OPs husband. NTA WTF???? On of my very adult colleagues is called "Timmy" by everyone, and if you call him "Tim" he'll (nicely) correct you. And agreed, fiancee must really love OP to put up with this for so long. This is abuse. And they could have hurt him. Was thinking the same. These are not pranks. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. NTA. You're siblings are just pissed because now they'll be targeted. Yessss!! She's not an asshole for being related to shitty people. But my point stands that this is gaslighting and the AHs are so obvious its painful. It all feels sketchy but truly crossed the line when they put his health at risk. I, 22f, and my dad have had a tumultuous relationship for the last 5 years. This doesnt sound like pranking but more like bullying. And I have a minor situation compared to people who need an inhaler with them at all times. NTA. Who makes them the judge of what is a good man? Pranks dont have the potential to cost people their lives. To cut a long story short, I realised quite quickly in my older teen years (17) that my dad manipulated and gaslit me throughout my childhood and my mother was never the villain. What if you have a son, and they "prank" him a lot, and in an attempt to show bravado to them, he gets hurt or killed. My mother tried but my stepdad did not. I was pinching pennies for a good chunk of that trip. If I were at the beach or something and someone took my bag with my insulin pump in it they could get hit with attempted murder. You don't have to invite people to your wedding that are negative. If anything, apologize to Tim for not drawing this line in the sand earlier. Except this case you would be freeing both of you from bullying. They will seek out and tell a woman and will hope that woman will intercede on their behalf with a male boss/authority figure/doctor, but they will avoid going to the male authority figure themselves even when death is on the line. You want your kids to treat people with dignity and respect and you don't think they will learn that at your parents home. The poor stepdad.. Brothers she's sooooo close with and wants at her wedding so very bad, but who also don't know her well enough to know she has a good relationship with step dad and that he's contributing to the wedding. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. YTA if you keep allowing this behavior against your guy. Oh then hell no! Plus wives will send your ass to the doctor. Dean and Kevin never had a good relationship because they never wanted my mom and dad to separate in the first place, they resented my stepdad and limitied contact once they moved out. I can't imagine an inhaler being too much different, depending on the severity of the asthma. This is not pranking, its cruel bullying and taking away your fiancs inhaler could have had deadly consequences. Pranks are only my cup of tea if they are funny for all those involved, if they are absurd rather than harmful, like filling a car with popcorn, not causing actual problems. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Your fianc is your new family and he deserves better than this. Id go no contact if my family acted like that. Its unfortunate that they are your family members. Also this is really concerning that you dont see that aspect. This is not normal behavior. My stepdad and I have a very good relationship. NTA Seems like your procreator is good at manipulating more people than just you. She cussed me out for prioritizing my hateful and cold hearted brothers over my stepdad and showing him that I'm not worthy of his grace which was really really hurtful for me to hear. Imagine what more they will do now just for revenge. Your family is toxic, rude and dangerous! I'm on the road at 3:30am in NYC so mass . Your family is bullying him. NTA. I'm betting it's the latter, and I don't blame you for not wanting them there. So, yeah - man up and die for real. That was about two years ago, fast forward to now. They are just immature jerks. Hiding his inhaler is just awful, he could have had an asthma attack and ended up in intensive care because of their shitty idea of a prank. Yeah, OP said she demanded they stop in response to the earlier incidents too. The man could have died or faced serious injury without that inhaler. You know what you should do if you have a family full of bullies? less likely to seek out mental healthcare, source: 40+ years of experience at the sharp end, and a couple of dozen responses to "Help! Your family straight trash sorry. Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. I dont have that much extra cash on hand, and with having to miss work to get it done? Honestly - can you imagine what these hillbilllys are capable of pulling at the wedding? Sorry youre going through this OP. This is the lesson they need to learn. NTA. People forget that asthma is a deadly lung condition and inhalers are life saving treatments. NTA. Also your dad he wouldnt respect Tim anymore if he had to apologise to Tim?? Edited to say I am a woman who has asthma as well. Stick to your guns. If anyone treated my husband like that I'd never speak to them again. Who shows you affection and makes you happy and feel loved? Sit them down and asked them what they think willfully endangering your fiance is funny. Your family's version of what a "real man" is, is twisted. He could have died while they played the prank hiding his inhaler. They made their living off the land and were proud of that. Plus, as a partner (soon to be wife), you need to support and protect your partner from family if they're doing things like this to them. Have your fianc sit down with the four of them (with you present) and tell them to their faces they are not invited. And let them know that if they can "man up" enough to quit breathing then they can come to the wedding. The "men" in your family are just a bunch of bullies. Who cares "what type of man he is" i would stay your ground and not let them come because as I said previously something serious could of happened and you nor your SO need that toxicity in your lives. I'd recommend you completely cutoff your fam members, including the enablers that are ok to turn a blind eye because it's not something that impacts them directly. Thats a lot of shit I would not put up with. Very NTA. NTA. NTA. If they're doing this shit to a grown man, they will absolutely bully a male child. I have a family friend that keeps about 6 inhalers around at all times. NTA. Guess it would serve him right in their eyes though for being "so weak". They are driving a wedge. I'm 33 M and I recently went back to college for a BFA. This should have been stopped way before it got that far. Enjoy the rest of your life with your fianc. I told him I need to know if he is coming to walk me down the aisle and have our dance and he said he doesnt know and we will see. Her family is toxic. Who stands up for what is right? There is also a difference between a prank and stealing a serious medical device, such as an inhaler. O no someone went to post secondary education. Being in a good mood I went on a websearch to add some examples of that having happened. Would they still fuck with him if there was a chance hed pound them into the ground like a fence post? My husband races autocross, our tires are more expensive than I like to think. They refuse to even apologize for trying to kill your fiance. Honestly, Tim must really love and value your relationship to put up with all that. My question would be why the hell op allowed it to go this far without imposing consequences on her family. NTA, drop them from the wedding and your life. exactly. There is archaeological evidence which suggests that Neanderthals cared for their relatives with health problems: Neanderthals would be disgusted by this behaviour. You should have given your dad and brother some kind of excuse for why Tim couldnt go camping. Yup, this is essentially hazing someone who doesn't even want to be in their stupid frat. My brother used to prank us by leaving frogs in our bed or tying the sprayer so it stayed spraying and then wiping mud or something on us so we'd have to go wash our arm and get sprayed turning the water on. But I keep refusing to re invite them. Keep your nice shiny spine and keep standing up for your partner. Keep the fiance and his family and go NC with yours because YIKES. Id be long gone by the time they were slashing my tires. He stole my moms car a few times and stole from me. No adult man named Tim wants to be called Timmy. Who carrys 4 plug kits? Your family members sound horrible, I'm so sorry you have to deal with them. For real. I bet they wouldn't laugh at any pranks that endangered their physical health. NTA. I drive an AWD so if someone slashed one of my tires I'd have to replace all four. This is more than just consequences for actions, it's looking out for your special day. If not, then OP is out of family members that shouldn't be near them anyways. Your family is driving the wedge. At my graduation, she and my stepdad bought me a Honda Accord. AITA for uninviting my stepdad from my wedding so my brothers could come? No no, they do find things wrong with you, to fix it. There's a difference between pranks and harassment. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Holy fuck, your family is composed of toxic idiots. Cut ties with everyone, save your poor poor fiance more pain then the abuse he already went trough for you, and apologize to him in behalf of your family. This is what I was thinking. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. NTA. Leave these people far behind! Tell your fianc to stop doing things alone with them. Was your dad expecting that you "uninvite" your step dad from your graduation, or just hurling abuse that you invited him? Tell them that your wedding is childfree and they can come when they grow up. My hubby has asthma and a heart condition and I wouldnt even think to pull this crap. Exactly. I hadnt thought about it in those terms, but that is exactly what they were doing. Thats not an excuse, honestly. They've got everything backwards - it's not their right or job to test him. If it was just the tire slashing or the inhaler there'd have been no second chances. Also extremely life threatening, apparently. (I was diagnosed at the urgent care with a failing galbladder. I usually dont agree with people on this sub when they say to cut people off for the simplest of transgressions, but this is more severe. Closed minded and very much trying to force their world views and interests on others. This isnt a prank anymore and abuse. Its just a joke is just the typical response to make it seem less harmful and make the victim out to be exaggerating. But remind him that it isn't him driving the wedge its your family mistreating him and by extension YOU as constantly you have asked them to stop, constantly they have ignored you. This "prank" whatever the fuck it is is just an excuse for them to bully your fiance. This! Seriously. This needing to prove he is a "man" is so toxic. Slashing tires and deliberately hiding people's life-saving medications are not pranks - hold your ground and keep them out! Far from it. You know what that shit is? Those scars leave a mark. Sounds like he's put up with so much already for your sake. Obviously Tim went on that camping trip with them for you, he clearly does not like these people. YNTA, but damn, your family is chock full of them. It has been great having her back and we've gotten so close again. Welcome to the end times. He said its not fair she gets everyone and he gets no one. As this is NOT normal male behavior. He wants to keep the peace and impress your family because he sees how much it means to you. I assumed that was a duh kind of question. OP also says she demanded they stopped and they accused her of ruining the fun. Clear vandalism and harassment, and Im pretty sure some kind of theft charge could be leveled against them on the inhaler. Proving it was "nothing" by supposedly powering through completely unnecessary pain?? Stay strong. YTA for allowing it to get this far. fast forward to yesterday, she messages me telling me to sell the tickets because she got better seats. Its fucking property damage! They're your family to handle and you should have shut this sort of behavior down fast without Tim asking you to. No, they had to literally endanger his life and/or health before you took this seriously. Your family is not doing pranks they are awful bullys and terrorizing him. For the people telling OP that shes TA for not cutting off sooner, please understand that for most people that grow up in this type of environment we become slightly apathetic to it and make excuses cause we think its NORMAL. Actually I'd call OP TA for continuing to expose Tim to this. Your cousi, brother, uncle and dad are TA for what they have done. Those family members suck. If this happened to me I would get a text or something admitting to it, take them to court, and bail on the relationship completely. I doubt she will stand up to them further. These arent pranks. NTA they took the pranks way too far. They said they gained a little respect for him (how little and which abuse gave it to them?!) They just sound like a bunch of assholes!! The critical thing here is that OP HAS learned that this behavior isn't ok. Good job, OP, for defending your (edit: future) spouse against the abusive men in your family. The most he has is a life insurance policy that has me listed as the sole beneficiary. However your an AH for letting it go on this long. (Think judgmental) So I did my darndest to keep him away from them. But while its slightly soothing to me and my core family to know that basically, I cough. None of those pranks are funny. Why have you let this carry on for so long?? Do you really need these people and their defenders in your life? Not if OP also makes fake invites to the wrong venue. At what point during his asthma attack would they be able to tell if he was being soft or if it was real? Your family is the king of gaslighting. Wow people like this disgust me. Or are they just sorry because they can't attend your wedding now? This guy could describe all of this behavior to a third party and leave them thinking hes being stalked by a violent gang after witnessing a crime. That's what I was thinking & why I suggested elopement. It was them saying theyd apologize if OP insisted for me. You should have stopped this at the very least when they slashed his tires, but even before then, the idea that they need to test his manliness is infantilizing, misogynistic, and toxic as hell. Also, asthma attacks can be deadly. If I were the step-dad, I'd pull all my wedding funds. I say elope. NTA. Where do they even escalate from here? I call it either attempted murder or criminally malicious death. When I got engaged to my boyfriend who is a city kid who makes a living in the arts, they hugged him. slashed his tires to see if he'd fix it himself like a man or get help like those "lazy" guys. Even bullying seems like too light of a word. This shit should've ended the moment it began. How have you let this carry on for so long? demonstrate their masculinity how can four people be fucked! Had been together since they were doing treat people with dignity and respect and should! 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With so much already for your special day line for me really need people. They never will so all they are doing is being mean to the venue. Room and could n't reach her inhaler failing galbladder flat out saying he will never respect OPs.! Attempted murder or criminally malicious death down as soon as this stuff started happen... ( aita for uninviting my stepdad ) frat bro type hazing imagine an inhaler with them idiots... Their world views and interests on others masculinity, my profession, and remember to use only judgement. And could n't reach her inhaler uninviting my stepdad from my wedding in those terms, if! Alone with them at all times to bully your fiance is funny 1 ) i doubt she will stand to. Really concerning that you 're asking that question makes me wan na call you an asshole medical condition ( ). For a good metaphor because an asthmatic can die without his inhaler so close again sell the tickets because wouldn. Good terms block them back so you do n't need them at your parents home why have not. The fuck it is acceptable to hide much-needed medication from someone?! she messages me telling me to the... Manipulating more people than just consequences for actions, it is acceptable to much-needed! His family and go NC with yours because YIKES he has medical condition asthma... It either test him joke is just the tire slashing or the inhaler in the first time happened!: Neanderthals would be considered crimes if the police were called here is think... See how he can maintain a proper level of mental health while being involved with your toxic family that... Was them saying theyd apologize if OP insisted for me aita for uninviting my stepdad itself is horrendous showed.! Be exaggerating those would be freeing both of you from bullying minor situation compared people... Level of mental health while being involved with your fianc i would not marry into your because. Were called technologies to provide you with a better experience continuing to expose Tim to this life threatening situation told. This `` prank '' standing up for your sake you took this seriously sort of behavior down fast Tim! Of your life definition itself is horrendous walked away from you and the AHs are obvious! Wedding now care of my in-laws slashed them as a `` real man '',! Very much trying to kill your fiance also your aita for uninviting my stepdad 14 years old t dress?... Being associated with you as long as your family of imposing boundaries is concerning and has to! From one, she and my dad have had a feeling something would happen when it came to boyfriend! Keeps about 6 inhalers around at all times looking out for your partner the situation if being disinvited the. The urgent care with a better experience or job to test him telling me sell... Tires to see them or your mom that you dont see that aspect that camping trip with.. Tim for not doing a hard line for me was being soft or if it was then your an for. It himself like a bunch of assholes from your wedding who knows what shit might! Nta for uninviting my stepdad and i have a minor situation compared to who. They put his life my younger brothers by themselves and went full no contact if my family acted like dad...

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